our little one 2/2

Start from the beginning

"Y-Yes... absolutely, Phi." Despite Night's uncertain tone, the music veiled his true emotions.

Palm smiled, ruffling Night's hair playfully. Night protested, "No! You're gonna ruin my hair," moving his head away. Palm chuckled.

"Palm, Neung is calling you near the bar counter," someone, recognized as one of Palm's college friends, informed. Palm nodded and departed, leaving Night with another acquaintance.

"Hey, you're Night, right? Palm's brother," he asked. Night offered a small smile and nodded.

"Yes, P' Jeng, right?"

"Oh, you remember my name?"

"Yes, I do. I have quite a sharp memory," Night replied with a hint of confidence.

Jeng offered a subtle smile before observing Night looking away, although his gaze remained fixed on the omega. He thoroughly scanned him from head to toe, a wicked smirk gradually appearing. At that moment, a friend approached, draping an arm around Jeng's shoulder and presenting him with a glass of liquor.

Accepting the drink, Jeng contemplated taking a sip but paused, turning his attention back to Night. "Hey, take this. Drink up," he insisted, attempting to hand the glass to the Omega.

Night appeared momentarily puzzled, then blinked in recognition of the offering. He tried to smile, saying, "No... I-I don't want it. It's fine; your friend brought it for you. You can enjoy it."

"Oh, come on!" Jeng invaded Night's personal space, seizing his wrist and placing the glass in his hand. Despite Night's attempt to free his hand and maintain composure, he couldn't ignore the discomfort, especially knowing he shouldn't consume alcohol during pregnancy.

"No, I don't want it, P' Jeng. It's fine..." Night felt increasingly uneasy in Jeng's grasp. The inappropriate touches and the pressure to accept the glass, combined with a possible encircling arm around his waist, compelled Night to avoid creating a scene, considering Jeng's relation to his older brother.

"Come on, Night, just give it a try. You'll enjoy it," Jeng persisted, a mischievous smile still playing on his face. Despite Night's refusal, Jeng persisted, lifting the glass towards Night's mouth in an attempt to make him drink. Night found himself in a tense and bewildering situation, unsure of how to respond.

"No, I don't—" His eyes widened as an arm encircled his waist, pulling him back. A figure positioned itself between him and Jeng, forcefully pushing Jeng away.

Caught off guard, Night struggled to comprehend the sudden intervention. North exerted a forceful push on Jeng's chest, causing him to stumble backward away from Night. North's eyes darkened, fists clenched in anger. The glass that Jeng had offered to Night fell to the ground, shattering into pieces. The surrounding onlookers paused their activities, focusing their attention on the unfolding scene. Jeng, having regained composure lost moments ago, confronted the aftermath of the forceful shove on his chest.

"What the fuck?!" Jeng muttered, "Who the fuck are you?"

"That's none of your fucking business!" North yelled in anger. His pheromones saturated the air, making it difficult for omegas to stand still. He invaded Jeng's personal space, his face mere inches away, a menacing red shade in his eyes visible to everyone. But he didn't care; his sole focus was on confronting this person right before him.

"Are you serious—" Jeng couldn't finish his sentence before North seized his collar, forcefully pushing him back and locking eyes with a challenging gaze. "How dare you try to make Night drink without his permission? What right do you have over him, huh?"

Night observed the unfolding scene with wide eyes, sensing the shared incredulity among the onlookers.

"Let go of me, you—" Jeng retaliated, shoving North away, his anger escalating with each passing second.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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