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In the celestial haven, Ashton felt a yearning, an inexplicable desire to return to the realm where Selena awaited. In his ethereal form, he navigated the luminous expanse, drawn by an unseen force that whispered of unfinished chapters and connections that transcended the celestial boundaries.

As he moved through the haven's gentle embrace, he felt a pull—a call to a presence that held the key to bridging the realms. In the heart of the celestial haven, Ashton discovered a profound presence—a figure bathed in divine light, radiating wisdom and compassion.

Approaching the luminous being, he felt a mixture of awe and humility. "God," Ashton spoke softly, the word carrying the weight of reverence. "I feel a calling to return, to the realm where Selena resides. Can you help me find a way back?"

God, with eyes filled with compassion, acknowledged Ashton's plea. "You carry a love that transcends the realms, Ashton. The connection with Selena is a thread woven into the fabric of existence. But returning requires a delicate balance, a dance between the celestial and the earthly."

God extended a hand, and Ashton, guided by a sense of trust, placed his ethereal hand in the divine palm. A resonance, a harmonious energy, passed between them—a connection that transcended spoken words.

"We shall weave a bridge between the realms, a path that aligns with the cosmic dance," God expressed, the celestial expanse pulsating with divine energy.

As Ashton and God embarked on this ethereal journey, a bridge of light materialized—a luminescent pathway that stretched across the celestial haven, reaching towards the earthly realm where Ashton's physical form lay.

The celestial dance unfolded, a choreography of energies in tandem with the cosmic rhythms. Ashton, guided by divine grace, felt a merging of realms—an intricate tapestry that blended the celestial haven with the earthly plane.

In the earthly realm, the medical team, still attuned to the whispers of unseen communication, sensed a shift in the room's energy. The melodies and rhythms became more pronounced, as if the very fabric of existence responded to an ethereal presence.

In this dance between realms, as the celestial bridge extended towards the earthly plane, Ashton's ethereal form and the divine light of God became conduits of a cosmic connection—a testament to the boundless power of love that defied the boundaries of life and death.

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