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In the ethereal dream garden, Ashton and Selena waltzed through the vibrant colors of an imaginary world, each step echoing a timeless dance through shared memories. As the dream unfolded, the golden sunlight bathed the garden, turning it into a haven for their enduring connection.

"Care for a dance?" Ashton asked with a playful twinkle in his eyes as he extended a hand to Selena. Their movements became a journey through time, the dream unveiling a montage of laughter and shared moments. The garden, seemingly infinite, held the essence of a lifetime spent together.

On a rustic bench, hands entwined, Selena's voice echoed, "It was a beautiful journey, wasn't it?" Ashton smiled in agreement, the dream's tapestry of emotions lingering in his heart. The dream, a glimpse into an imagined future, became a bittersweet reminder of the depth of their connection.

In the dream's twilight, the vibrant colors softened, and Ashton felt a gentle warmth enveloping him. A subtle tug beckoned him back to reality. The dream garden melted into a haze, the transitions between its scenes and the hospital room marked by a rhythmic pulse.

With Selena's laughter echoing in the air, Ashton began to awaken in the hospital room. The beeping monitors and antiseptic scent gradually replaced the dream's vivid hues. The transition from the dream to reality was like waking from a captivating reverie into the steady sounds of the hospital surroundings.

"See you on the other side," Ashton whispered, the dream's essence clinging to him, adding a layer of warmth to the hospital room. Just as the dream's echo lingered, a nurse entered the room, her presence signaling the return to the tangible reality.

"Wake up, Ashton. The MRI is over," the nurse gently announced, her voice cutting through the dream's remnants. Ashton, still under the influence of the sedative, blinked away the last traces of the dream, the memory lingering like a sweet melody. The nurse, with a reassuring smile, guided him back to the present, bridging the gap between the dreamworld and the hospital room. The dream, a fleeting interlude, became a part of Ashton's journey within the intricate tapestry of his intertwined hospital life.

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