"Wow, so what is Brianna gonna do?"

"She ain't figured that out yet," I said.

"Why not? Is she trying to fuck him?" he asked.

"Well, they're doing that over the phone," I said as the waiter brought out our food.

"What? Are you serious? Damn, that's dope!" Anthony voiced as he sat back in order to receive his plate from the waiter. He instantly grabbed a pot sticker from the platter. Both our entrees and appetizers came at the same time, which left our damn table full of food.

"Whatever," I grabbed a dumpling and took a bite and it was delicious. "Anyway, the guy wants to meet with her."

"Aww man, did she let him know she's a thick sistah? He don't look like he fucks with anyone bigger than the size of a pencil," Anthony grabbed the chopsticks and went to town on his food.

"No, I don't think so. That's one of the issues she's having about meeting with him,"

"Well what did you tell her to do?"

"I told her to meet up with him. He might like 'em thick. She got every chance like anyone else. The worst he could say is no," I commented before I stuffed my mouth.

"No, the worst he could do is laugh in her face if he ain't into her."


"Malachi," I said after cleaning myself up after another phone session. "You can't call me dangerous, when I'm not the only one participating here."

"Well, I like danger so you know, I will always participate." He replied.

"Just bad," I laughed as I slipped on my panties and grabbed my pajamas.

"I love your laugh."

"My laugh?"

"Yeah, your laugh. It's cute. I hear you giggle every once in a while but your laugh is contagious."

This man and him knowing what to say and when to say it, what am I going to do with him?

"Interesting." I quipped.


"You love my laugh. Not my moans or grunts or anything else huh?" I joked.

"Oh no, I love your moans and grunts just as much. They make me horny, but your laugh makes me smile." Malachi declared. I damn near dropped the phone.

"Wow." I whispered thinking he wouldn't hear me.

"Wow yourself," he replied. "So, will you do me a favor?" Malachi asked.

"Sure, what is it?" I had agreed before finding out what he wanted.

"Send me your picture and I'll send you mine,"

Shit! I knew I shouldn't have agreed. Suddenly I received a text message. Fuck!

"Hold on, you caught me off guard." I said placing him on speakerphone and going through my messages.

I opened the text message and saw his picture. He was gorgeous. Hazel eyes, dark brown hair and a nice beard, tapered to his face. His face was beautiful enough to sit on. I wanted to see his eyes looking back at me from between my legs.

I didn't have a picture of me that I wanted to send. I didn't want him to see me, hence the procrastination on meeting. I had to send something, he was waiting to receive something in return.

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