Them as love languages

Depuis le début

Giving: acts of service

-it's the little things that matter the most to minho, which is why acts of service is his speciality

-grabbing you some napkins when you're eating, bringing you food on your break, always reaching for the best one of something for you before anyone else can, the things minho does are so subtle, but to you they're the most obvious and important actions in the world

-when you first caught on to the fact he used these little actions as a way to express his love and care for you, you briefly mentioned it to him and he acted as if he has no idea what you were on about. now, you just look him in the eyes and give him an endearing smile, which he returns right back

-minho genuinely takes such good care of you, anything you need is immediately taken care of by your boyfriend, who despite being such a busy man, always finds time to take care of you and put your every need first

-he refuses to let you take out the trash as he believes that he shouldn't be letting you touch such things, so whenever he sees the trash can even begin to get full, he does it for you before you can even think about doing it yourself

-although he does a lot more for you than for others, that doesn't mean it's just you he takes care of like this. he's always doing something for his 7 members and all the other people around him too. watching him take care of people like this and showing his husband material is in itself a sight to drool over and you love when he does so, you can't wait to marry him one day

Recieving: words of affirmation

-believe it or not, I think minho finds so much comfort in hearing sweet nothings and pure support from you

-he might not be one to express these things himself and he knows you're okay with that, but that doesn't mean he himself doesn't want to recieve affirmative and encouraging support from you

-especially after a difficult day, you can physically see him loosen up when you give him even the smallest of reassurance or a compliment

-he especially loves hearing you compliment on the little things he does for you, such as how much you love his cooking, or how sweet something was of him. praise him in front of others and he feels SO proud of himself, he'll be in a good mood for the rest of the day

-sometimes, when he's in need of you saying something affirmative to him but feels too awkward to directly tell you so, he'll do his usual little gestures and look at you with big eyes and a straight face, which makes you giggle at how soft he actually is

-minho is so used to naturally doing little things for you and he doesn't expect anything in return, so whenever you say little things in return and compliment him just the way he deserves to be, just know it melts his heart



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