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The albino patient 16 Wu Jin on the island

was awakened by the dazzling light.

He was under the broken ship, and the shells gently wrapped him, and Wu Jin seemed to be in a dream.

Is this a dream? It's too real.

Wu Jin recalled the king's cruel treatment and did not dare to go ashore easily for fear of any accident.

It was quiet nearby, as if there was nothing, everything was eerily quiet.

Wu Jin swam outside for a while. He had to pass the sea snake area.

He didn't get too close. The obedient sea snake was in a hurry and was waiting for him. He didn't know what he was doing.

Suddenly, the sea snake seemed to smell something, stopped, turned and walked in his direction.

Oh no.

Wu Jin, who was observing secretly, immediately held his breath. The sea snake's hearing was indeed sensitive.

Getting closer and closer, with five meters, four meters left...Wu Jin took a few steps back, or stay away from this place first at worst.

Wu Jin fell back a few steps, but fell into a wet embrace.


Wu Jin was stunned, it was actually the sea snake that kidnapped him. Wu Jin and Sea Snake looked at each other. After not seeing each other for a few days, it had indeed changed a lot.

To Wu Jin's surprise, the sea snake looked very familiar to Wu Jin.

But where to talk about it, Wu Jin couldn't remember it no matter how hard she thought about it.

Before Wu Jin finished thinking, the sea snake grabbed Wu Jin's waist and attached his breath to Wu Jin's body. Then he and Wu Jin hid together next to the algae plants on the seabed.

The patrolling mermaid paused for a moment, then left again.

After the patrolling sea snake left, Wu Jin hesitated and said: "Can you understand what I said?"

Can the sea snake understand what he said?

The sea snake whispered: "I have received the inheritance in the past few days during the estrus period, and I already know how to do it. It's spoken." Its eyes had more human emotions, rather than some sense of inhumanity. This was one of the reasons why Wu Jin couldn't recognize it.

There is no difference between the sea snake and the mysterious monster on the bottom of the sea. After watching it from a distance, he was pulled into the water, and there was no time to take a closer look at his face.

Compared with the last time, the sea snake's body is longer, its black hair reaches half its waist, its eyes are as clear as black stones, and its tail is bigger and more beautiful. It can almost cover the whole witch tree in its arms,

" These places are very dangerous now, you and I should leave first." After saying this, Sea Snake stretched out his hand towards Wu Jin, as if waiting for Wu Jin's consent.

Wu Jin did not refuse. The sudden change of players sounded the alarm for him, and he needed to wait and see. And this sea snake gave him an inexplicable sense of security.

Of course, Wu Jin did not forget that the sea snake came up and kidnapped him into the sea, making him choke on a lot of water. Wu Jin agreed with him because the situation above was unknown, and the sea snake's place was undoubtedly the best place to stay.

He couldn't completely trust the sea serpent.

Wu Jin put his hand on the sea snake's hand, and the sea snake's eyes looked at Wu Jin's fair and thin hand on his big hand, and its tail couldn't help wagging, and the corners of its mouth couldn't help curling up.

The sea snake saw the petite and cute appearance of the mermaid. Although it didn't know how the other party turned into a mermaid, the smell was unmistakable.

As for what has become, Wilt doesn't care. Wilt is even a little happy, if only the other party can stay at the bottom of the sea.

However, after the white-haired human turned into a mermaid, he grew a light blue fish tail, and Wilt couldn't help but focus on the new and delicate fish tail.

Wilt withdrew his gaze in time, after all, for the mermaid, this was too far out of bounds.

After receiving the inheritance, the sea snake's emotions were easy to capture, and now it seemed... in a good mood?

Wu Jin couldn't figure out what the sea snake was thinking, but fortunately it was not a threat, not an enemy.

"I forgot an important thing." Sea Snake frowned, and Wu Jin thought something had happened.

The sea snake looked annoyed: "I forgot to tell you, my name is Wilt." He had obviously prepared countless back and forths behind his back, but Wilt actually forgot.

Wu Jin returned the courtesy: "My name is Wu Jin."

"I know." After Wilt said this, he ignored Wu Jin's confused expression.

"Anyway... I just know it." The inherited sea snake inherently knows the name of its partner. Wilt did not say it out loud and

Wu Jin did not intend to think about these small things. Taking advantage of the fact that it was safer now, Wilt curled up Wu Jin with his tail and circled it. In her arms, Wu Jin could not see the situation outside.

The lights overlapped brightly and darkly, and along the way Wu Jin heard the sea snakes' respectful voices, and Wilt's cold voice calling them to leave.

Wilt's status is not low, Wu Jin has known it for a long time.

The sea snake took Wu Jin into a dark cave, which was covered with soft algae plants and piled with many shiny stones and countless gold and silver jewelry.

Probably sea snakes like to build nests and throw anything valuable here. Over time, it becomes like a gold mine. If a thief sees a mountain of treasure, he will be blinded and unable to walk.

"Please bear with it here for a while." Wilt made the bed where the algae sat more carefully and softly, hoping not to make humans feel uncomfortable.

There are very few beautiful and precious shell beds on the seabed, which are products of the Cambrian era. Wilt once searched the seafloor and could only find this softer and more comfortable algae.

Wu Jin shook his head, it was good to have a place to sleep.

Wu Jin hesitated and seemed to want to say something. Wilt was a little nervous: "What are you dissatisfied with?"

Wu Jin shook his head. He didn't want to ask this. Wu Jin asked with the mentality of giving it a try, "What's the situation in Haiguo now?"

"This..." Wilt frowned slightly.

After Wilt received the inheritance, human thinking could barely understand it, and he specifically ordered his subordinates to pay attention to the news about Haiguo.

"The situation outside is very bad. The civil strife in your country is very serious. The mermaids are rebelling. Several groups of people are vying for the throne. The king is missing." "I don't suggest you leave here. I am

the king of sea snakes and I can still protect you. Second, there are a lot of obedient sea snakes arranged outside to prevent accidents."

When Wu Jin heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly asked: "Why did the mermaids and humans quarrel?"

Wasn't Wu Jin fine when he left? So The weather is about to change?

I wonder what's going on with Yousi. Did he start it? Did the mermaid resist?

I don't know whether the situation is good or bad. Wu Jin had imagined the current situation, but he didn't expect it to happen in the end.

Since the day Wu Jin entered the Poseidon Temple, the devil has disappeared. The devil probably does not need Wu Jin's help and can come and go freely. Their relationship ended perfectly.

Wu Jin's worry was obvious, and Wilt clumsily tried to dissuade Wu Jin, "Right now, the mermaids are fighting fiercely with humans on the shore. Wait until the situation stabilizes before you find a chance to go up, okay?" "You also know that

mermaids can't bear it for too long. "Yes." Wilt said, "This is inevitable. Speaking of which, the beginning of this fight was related to you."

Wilt sold it out.

"Me?" Wu Jin said uncertainly.

How could a sick man like him be so powerful? Wu Jin was really stunned.

Only then did Wilt explain carefully to Wu Jin what had happened recently.

I don't know where the news came from. The Holy Son disappeared that day and was suspected to have been abducted by a mermaid. When humans who believed in Poseidon heard this, they stopped immediately.

The mermaid didn't know where she heard the news that the Holy Son was actually a mermaid, and spread the rumors everywhere.

The two parties were furious and soon started to quarrel.

On the day Wu Jin disappeared, a leader appeared among the mermaids who could give them abilities. This leader revealed his identity as the king's illegitimate son.

With bloodline verification and authoritative institutions in hand, no one dares to question it. He gave a public speech about the disaster suffered by mermaids and encouraged mermaids to resist deformed relationships. His speech won the support of a large number of mermaids.

The mermaid was encouraged to break free from the shackles of her master, and even fought the necessary bloody battles.

The mermaid who has the blood of the king even bluntly said that he would take the throne. The people of the sea country were panicked. When they were shocked, they were even more angry at the mermaid's disobedience. They quickly summoned the mermaid to hold a demonstration.

The special changes of the mermaid quickly attracted the attention of the royal family, and another news came out from the Sea Kingdom - the king disappeared.

In the chaotic situation, His Highness Wen Erxi stepped forward to suppress the mermaid's resistance. The mermaid leader came well prepared and is still being hunted, with no chance of winning.

Wu Jin already knew the general situation of Haiguo, but he was not sure whether to go up.

The mermaid leader appeared...Wu Jin had some guesses in his mind, but he couldn't make a conclusion.

Marshmallow: [Your mission is being delivered. The conflict between the mermaids and humans in the sea country broke out. The real plot line has reached the point. Please pay attention to check it. ]

[Task 1: Please send the mermaid back to the bottom of the sea and back to her home in the sea. ]

[Task 2: Please alleviate the struggle between humans and mermaids, reduce conflicts, and restore order. ]

[Task 3: Please avoid the king's pursuit and kill the king. 】

【The three tasks are the main tasks, please pay attention to your safety, there will be main tasks among them, please be informed. 】

After hearing Marshmello's mission, Wu Jin's originally calm heart became uneasy.

How can he complete these tasks alone? Marshmallow thinks too highly of him, isn't he just an ordinary cannon fodder? Shouldn't it be up to the players to save the world?

"Marshmallow, are you serious?" Wu Jin asked Marshmallow in his mind. It was the first time he encountered these big scenes, and Wu Jin was unsure.

Marshmallow: [Yes, Master, you are very experienced before, I believe you can complete it!]

Wu Jin is a little confused, he is just a native cannon fodder now!

All the previous memories are gone, and there is no golden finger. , how did he start?

Wilt stood next to the shining gold jewelry, his eyes always staring at Wu Jin.

Wu Jin swings his fish tail in the water. The mermaid with a light blue fish tail has long white hair and raised eyes. It makes him quiet and bright, gorgeous and gentle, with complex contradictory feelings intertwined. Wilt as the undersea Biological instincts are ready to kick in.

The words in Wilt's mouth turned around, and the words he spoke were more humane, "You stay here for a while. If you want to leave, wait for other sea snakes to find a suitable time before leaving." "If you want to stay

, You are always welcome."

"As long as you want, you can."

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