Albino on the Island 3.1

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Albino on the Island 1

A new male owner moved into the Haiyan Villa area half a year ago.

People nearby were deeply impressed by him because this uninhabited villa in Haiyan District welcomed an owner for the first time. The male owner was named Wu Jin and came from a foreign country.

Wu Jin had a head full of long white hair, her long eyelashes seemed to be covered with snow, and her whole body was so white that it glowed.

Wu Jin usually gets up at eight o'clock in the morning to open the door and water the flowers and plants in the pavilion.

Many people passing by will always smell a scent of flowers, not strong, just light, just like the owner of the villa.

The location of this villa area is equivalent to the junction between the sea country and the ocean. It is divided into villa areas. The environment is peaceful and warm. The villas are beautiful and have a strong sense of design. There are many unknown flowers and trees planted on the roadside, which are full of unique sea country. style.

Not far outside is the sea. Although the climate in the sea country is mild and the sun is not harsh, Wu Jin's body cannot be exposed to too much ultraviolet rays. Wu Jin has not gone out much since he came here for half a year.

Today, Wu Jin stood watering the flowers as always, holding a showerhead in one hand. Sunlight streamed in from the pavilion, making his whole body white and glowing.

It's a pity that this white skin makes him weak for no reason. The collarbone of his shirt reveals obvious collarbones, making him look extremely thin. This is an unhealthy complexion, and it is obvious that the owner of the villa is not in good health.

Today we have a guest in the villa - a little girl.

Wu Jin has a good rapport with children, and there are always different children looking for him to play with every day. In the past six months, Wu Jin was either drinking tea and raising flowers, or playing with the cat and cooking, which was very comfortable.

Unfortunately, these comforts were broken by some accidents.

Thinking of this, Wu Jin couldn't help but sigh.

Gegeli leaned in front of Wu Jin and asked: "Brother, why is your hair white?" His voice seemed soft and waxy, as if he was coquettish, smart and nice.

Children are always full of energy and inexhaustible enthusiasm.

She was wearing a light blue skirt - people from the country of the sea seem to particularly like the color blue. Whether it is the villa decoration or the clothes, they all have the flavor of the sea.

The fabric of the clothes is smooth and has a texture similar to that of fish. There are beautiful shell ornaments hanging on their necks and hands, and there is a basket on their small arms.

Haiguo is indeed a good place to live. Wu Jin came back to his senses, knelt down and looked directly into their eyes, with a serious look on his face: "Because I'm sick." "Brother should find

a mermaid to take care of you." Gegeli curled his lips, "Yusi is really not a good mermaid. He doesn't care about anything and works outside all day long."

"Don't say that, he can make money." Wu Jin came up with a unified argument.

Gegeli's mermaid eyes fluctuated, covering up the envy in his eyes. There is no mermaid who does not envy a master like Mr. Wu Jin, but they are not as lucky as Yousi.

"Then he should also find time to help!"

Gegeli said confidently - their parents, grandparents, and grandparents can all use mermaids. It would be nice to have a mermaid at home or outside.

What's more, they treat high-level mermaids as some sex toys, and they are forced to suffer inhuman torture, and finally die tragically.

Wu Jin didn't know how to change her mind.

After Wu Jin came to the Haiyan Villa area, many neighbors came to give him things. The customs and customs in Haiguo were not bad, and they seemed to be particularly generous to their neighbors.

However, what makes it difficult for Wu Jin to adapt every time is that there are several mermaids following the little girl.

Yes, mermaid.

Mermaids can be seen everywhere in the sea kingdom. They were once strong men on the seabed, but now they follow humans like slaves, bowing their heads and brows.

On the first day Wu Jin came here, a man insulted and beat the mermaid in public on the street, causing blood to flow all over the ground. The mermaid can do nothing but hold back. He didn't even dare to make loud noises due to pain, he could only make them softer and softer.

In fact, they are too pious to the people of Haiguo.

He was so pious that even Wu Jin found it incredible.

Mermaids are cheap and can be found selling them everywhere on the market streets. They are available for selection like goods, and the weak mermaid can only wait for the buyer to arrive.

The sea country has strict laws and regulations, even though the relationship between mermaids and humans has relaxed a little now. But this is only on the surface, the law is strict, but in fact it is ruthless to mermaids.

The law unconditionally favors humans. If a mermaid resists, they will be imprisoned or killed immediately, waiting for their fate.

Wu Jin couldn't bear it at first, so she specially chose the Haiyan area where mermaids and humans were relatively harmonious.

Later he learned that it all stems from a history.

The mermaid killed too many humans in the past, and Poseidon punished her by taking away her proud abilities.

After the mermaid lost her power, she was afraid of the deep sea and humans. The fish tail could only be used as a useless decoration. No mermaid dared to dive into the deep sea anymore.

After humans discovered the weakness of mermaids, they fished and kept mermaids in captivity on a large scale. Mermaids became a symbol of low status.

The mermaid panted restlessly, trying to compensate humans and gain their forgiveness, hoping that Poseidon would allow them to return to the sea.

"Brother, are you still feeling uncomfortable?" The little girl pouted. She didn't understand what Brother Wu Jin was thinking.

Wu Jin came to his senses and shook his head, "No."

Gege Geli took out the fruit from the basket and said seriously: "Brother, if you are not from Haiguo, then you must not know the traditions of Haiguo.

" The Prayer Festival is coming. We give things to our neighbors on this day every year. Brother Wu Jin must experience it. "

Wu Jin thanked the little girl.

Wu Jin has been here for so long, and she has roughly learned about the Sea Festival of the country of the sea. The

people of the country of the sea here worship the sea god. On that day, the lucky person will be selected to become the bride of the sea god and enter the sea for the sake of the sea. The Sea Kingdom prays for good luck.

This is a great honor for thousands of girls and even mermaids in the Sea Kingdom.

If successful, he/she will become the bride of Poseidon, and Poseidon will help him/her and live as long as heaven and earth.

Once upon a time In this way, the sea country summoned the sea god and stopped the massacre of the mermaids.

Gegeli took out a red fruit from the basket carried by the mermaid. It was not a coconut, but one was bigger than the palm of his hand. Gegeli introduced excitedly: "This fruit is for you. My parents gave it to me this morning. It was picked from a tall tree by the sea. It is very fresh. Wu

Jin had never seen this kind of fruit before. He raised the corners of his mouth and took it down: "Please express my gratitude to your parents on my behalf." "

This is a shell I picked up at the beach. My brother is so beautiful that I must decorate it." "The little girl didn't forget to say something.

"Brother, you must go to the beach to pick up shells. We will decorate them with shells. High-quality shells can also be traded as money!"

Wu Jin nodded seriously: "Okay. "

Wu Jinlai hasn't gone out much in the past six months. He knows very little about Haiguo. All of it comes from the descriptions of his neighbors.

"That's right, brother must not get tanned by the sun. "Gege Geli took out another hat, and her tone was filled with happiness.

"Brother, look, this is the most beautiful hat I specially picked. You can wear it when you go to the beach. "

Wu Jin took these gifts and put them aside carefully, "Thank you very much. "

This time it was Wu Jin's turn to be troubled. He didn't know what Gegeli liked. Neighbors are very strict about coming and going, and Wu Jin doesn't want her to leave empty-handed.

It's my fault that he doesn't go out much and doesn't know much about this custom.

"Wait a moment." After Wu Jin finished speaking, he got up and went to the house to take out the scissors and found a lot of wrapping paper.

Thank God, he planted a lot of flowers and collected a lot of beautiful and exquisite wrapping paper. I hope she will like it.

Wu Jin took out the scissors, stood in front of the pavilion and asked: "What kind of flowers do you like? I will cut off the buds and give them to you. Soak them in water overnight. They will bloom beautifully tomorrow."

The roses planted by Wu Jin It is difficult to survive in the sea country. It took him a long time to raise it, so it is very delicate.

Gegeli had never seen this kind of flower before, and he jumped around to choose the most beautiful one, which made Wu Jin couldn't help but laugh.

Finally, Gegeli held the roses in his arms, and Wu Jin hesitated a little. Would the mermaid want to give one as well? The mermaid

kept her head lowered, and was thin and motionless while carrying the heavy basket. Wu Jin didn't know how to speak.

"Brother, you don't have to give it to her!" Gegeli muttered and pushed the stunned mermaid. The mermaid didn't react at all, and left behind Ge Geli, like a walking zombie.

Wu Jin could only give up.

After Gegeli left, he talked about going to the beach to play. A look of fear appeared on the face of the lifeless mermaid, and then he fell silent.

Wu Jin sent them to the door, watched them leave, and returned the same way.

At this time, a white kitten came to the door and squatted quietly.

"Why did you come out?" Wu Jin knelt down and picked up the kitten.

The kitten next to him had a pair of blue-yellow eyes and was lazily lying on the ground licking its paws. Hearing this, he actually spoke: "Master, the plot is about to begin."

Wu Jin sighed, this cat would vomit. Regardless of the human words, they still kept talking in its ears - it was really scary. Wu Jin didn't know what kind of NPC he was, and there would be players coming.

Wu Jin was scared at first, but later got used to it. Holding the marshmallow in his arms, he closed the door and walked into the house inside.

Marshmallow said: [The copy is about to officially start, please resend the notification now. ]

[Congratulations on entering the new copy - Mystery of the Sea. ]

[The game is loaded successfully, please accept your character settings. 】

【You are at the border of a sea country. In a country that believes in sea gods, mermaids are a species they deeply hate. You cannot fall in love with a mermaid, this is a taboo, otherwise you will be executed immediately if the king finds out. ]

[Players are coming on the third day, please wait carefully. 】

Wu Jin heard the sound of marshmallow, why are there these strange things?

He had a headache. Wu Jin is just an ordinary person, how can he take care of so much? But if he doesn't do these tasks, both the kitten and him will die.

Wu Jin originally suffered from leukemia and needed to take medicine regularly to protect her condition. He wasn't sure how long he could live or how long he could control it. He originally didn't want to take care of the task, but when the little kitten acted coquettishly and acted pitifully, Wu Jin relented.

Take one step at a time and live as long as you can.

Marshmallow: [You need to change their original trajectory, please know. 】

【Behind the glamorous sea country, after the illegitimate son of the previous dynasty was discovered, the people above secretly ordered the witch to execute him. The witch realized that he was not destined to die, so she made a switch. ]

[His life was miserable. He originally lived in poverty and was dependent on his adoptive father. His mother, who was good at being a submissive, never took care of him. However, after his identity was discovered, he was framed by a witch. 】

【You need to save him. 】

After Wu Jin heard this, he realized that the former Highness was indeed miserable.

When talking about this period of history, we have to talk about the history of Haiguo.

When the mermaids and humans were in chaos, the former country did nothing, fell in love with the mermaids, and always protected the mermaids, which also led to the mermaids' arrogance.

The current king broke into the public eye, saved many humans, and performed sacrifices - and then discovered the mermaid's fatal weakness.

This custom has been preserved ever since.

Wu Jin sat on the sofa and helped Marshmallow smooth his hair. Marshmallow said again: [Master, don't worry, you don't have to be afraid. The props will come into play when the time comes. ]

"What props?" Wu Jin sometimes doesn't know what Marshmallow is talking about.

[Drawing in progress - please wait. 】Marshmallow said.

[Congratulations on drawing the S-level item Golden Fish Tail - Item explanation: Using this item, your legs will transform into a fish tail, swaying in the deep sea like a mermaid, and can also turn into a weapon to hurt people. ]

[Disadvantages: It can only last three days, please use it with caution. ]

[Additional props: Deep sea singing, any creature that hears the singing will become your devout believer. Only available once per hour, please use with caution. 】

Mermaid? Wu Jin was a little confused. A magic-like system suddenly appeared around him. It was really novel.

He has no discrimination against mermaids, but this identity really brings a lot of dangers. The people of Haiguo hate mermaids so much that they have to hide them so as not to be discovered.

Marshmallow: [Master, rest assured, as long as you don't want to use it, others will not discover your identity. However, you need to be careful not to stay in the water for a long time. ]

Wu Jin went back and opened the book she bought on the first day to learn about the Sea Country, intending to learn more about the Sea Country and this Poseidon Festival. I learned all about it from my neighbor Wen Lan, and my understanding was not comprehensive.

As a country that believes in Poseidon, almost all its citizens worship Poseidon, and many festivals are also based on Poseidon.

Sea Country is mainly based on maritime trade, and many transportation lines need to pass through the sea area, which has spawned countless maritime industries. What the people like most is the peace and blessings of the sea god.

Every prince of the Sea Kingdom is a unique being, brave and good at fighting. The most compulsory course they need to learn is about the sea and combat.

Among them, the most well-known one is His Highness, the dream lover of the Sea Kingdom.

Wu Jin paused for a moment, wondering why he could even write this in a book that he hadn't read several times in half a year.

There is a king in the Sea Kingdom, which is similar to the hereditary system of the throne. The king is extremely noble in the center of the Sea Kingdom. He is thousands of miles away and has a wide range of rule. He is almost the overlord of the sea.

When it comes to this, we have to mention the history of the Sea Kingdom. The Sea Kingdom was once invaded by mermaids and suffered heavy losses. They need to remember the history, so they issued many laws to strictly prohibit mermaids.

Many industries have been secretly spawned in the country, such as selling mermaids and making mermaids into food. The upper-class nobles and kings particularly like this way of eating, and their tenure has grown wantonly.

According to gossip, a few deep-sea mermaids turned into humans and sneaked ashore to secretly kill humans.

Mermaids in the sea are in the deep sea and don't often come ashore, but every time they do, it's a disaster.

Mermaids have a strong bite and lethality. They are the best at sea and are feared by countless underwater creatures. However, many mermaid enthusiasts still sail in the sea in an attempt to find mermaid footprints.

The mermaids hate the humans who wantonly plunder and destroy the environment on the shore. The humans hate the mermaids who crazily attack them at sea. The two sides are hostile to each other.

There are several more real examples in the book, but Wu Jin is not sure about the authenticity.

The book is also written in a fairy tale style. For example, there are rumors that if you want to transform your legs, you can find a witch for help, and you need to offer your most precious thing.

After reading it, Wu Jin felt that eating mermaid meat was the most horrifying thing.

Mermaid meat... Although they are mermaids, at least they are the upper body of a human and the tail of a mermaid. It is too cruel to treat mermaids as food.

The mermaid has almost become a symbol of the power of the upper class nobility, and the number of mermaids has decreased sharply.

People at the lower level rarely come into contact with them. Mermaids are very powerful and cannot be captured by ordinary people.

Wu Jin doesn't like to go out. He can't stand ultraviolet rays. Specialists usually come to deliver things to his door, so he knows less about things outside.

Marshmallow: [Master, I have almost finished receiving the background. I am about to release the task. The arrival of players is urgent, so you need to complete it quickly. ]

[The mission is being activated——]

[Congratulations on coming to the mysterious sea country. The sea is waiting for your exploration. You need to complete the primary mission. This mission uses the drift bottle mode, please pay attention. ]

[Congratulations on receiving a drift bottle: You need to go for a walk on the beach and pick up a black bottle. The poor fisherman was about to be entangled by a devil. He intended to help the devil, but was accidentally entangled and brutally killed by the devil. He could not seal the cunning devil in a bottle. ]

[Please accept the fisherman's entrustment and open the bottle on his behalf. ]

[Please prepare props: fishing net × 1, and fish at the designated location. 】

I was supposed to send it yesterday, but I set the wrong time.

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