getting to know each other (#2)

Start from the beginning

"Anyways, you said there is a three years diffrence between you guys, so how old are you now?" Cole asked

"Im 24" nya replied, putting the food onto plates.
"Yeah just add a 3 to that" her brother mumbled.

"Cool, im 295 btw"
Kai's jaw dropped. How can he look so good and be so old ?!?!

"Which in earth years would be..  " cole counted on his fingers "around 29 years old"
"Wait.. i never knew you counted years diffrently in hell" nya said, passing the plates to the prince and Incubus.

"You dont. For humans it still feels normal, same for us, but we count our Age diffrently not the years, because we age up really slower" cole answered.

"So.. you are older than me?" Kai asked
"Dumbass he just said he is around 250 years older than you!"Nya answered her brother

As they all finished their plates, Kai got an idea. His old profesor, from high school, was really Smart, and probably knew about mystical creatures and demons, more than anyone else nearby. Kai told the Incubus about his idea. He took cole, back to the place where they met, which was his room.
"Take your Hood back on, i cant be going around the town with a fucking demon!"
"Okay, okay.. chill" cole answered.
He picked up the Hood that fell with him trough the portal, and put it on. He hid his tail under his dress, and put his Hood on as Kai requested.


When they finally arrived, they both left the carriage, cole almost falling down. He got really tired, and was sleepy as hell, so kai needed to led him and hold his hand so the poor demon wouldnt fall again. Kai rang the doorbell, and soon, he saw his old high school prof.
"Oh hello there prince Kai, what a suprise to see you. What brings you here?"
"Can we talk about it isnide, profesor Wu?" Kai suggested.

They all entered the house, slowly walking to the living room.
"We should better go to your library" Kai told profesor Wu.
"And why is that? I guess we are going to need books" Wu guessed and slowly led them to his huge library.

"So, what's the matter Kai?" Wu asked, this time more seriously.
Kai didnt answer the question, expect, he just stood on his fingers, and took off the taller ones Hood.
Wu wasnt really shocked, all he did was letting out a small gasp.
"I guess you summoned him by  an accident?"
Kai nodded.
"Let me take a better look at you, young boy" the teacher said.
He took a good look at Coles horns, tail, eyes, and body shape.

"I've never seen one so chubby in my life" The elder said after a while
Kai was trying to hold his laugh, sadly,  he failed.
"H-hey im not fat-! I-im just jacked- a-and had a good breakfast!" He objected.
"Yeah a good breakfast, you ate 6 eggs!"
"Kai, you know its not his fault, right?" Wu interrupted
"What do you mean-?" Kai didnt understand him.
The teacher sighed and started explaining. "Apparently, incubus'ess and succubus'ess shouldnt actually eat human food,-" He got interrupted by Kai
"What do you mean ? Are they allergic or something? ..... Oh i'm sorry, explain"
"Well, yes they shouldnt, actually the feed themselves with their summoners love, and get stronger after.. "the reproductive action", they're energetic, more passionate about some things. But later, as days pass, they loose their energy. Has he already tried seducting you?" Wu asked and explained

"Uhh no, he didnt even try once" Kai answered the question.

"Well, looks like this one is a little diffrent. He seems to care more about you in general, and is not just using you as a slave"

"But i have a very important question" Kai interrupted Wu

"What is it?" Wu asked.

Kai came closer to wu, definently not wanting the demon to hear it.
"Uhh how can i send him back?" Kai said really quietly
"Next fullmoon, you will need to take a part in a long ritual. But make sure you keep him alive till that time. Are you sure you want to send him back? You know there is a possibility he'll curse you? He seems like a really nice boy"
Those Words hit Kai's head. He sure seemed like a nice boy after all. He didnt force Kai to anything, neither tried doing something against his will. And they seemed to get along really well, Even tho, they were really diffrent; Kai was hotheaded, and Cole was always calm.
For Kai, cole was really sweet hearted. Even tho he was a full grown Man, around 190 centimeters (6,2 feet) tall, Kai couldnt disagree that cole was cute.  What was that feeling Kai felt for him? He didnt know.


As they left proffesor Wu after some tea, they slowly made their way back to the carriage.

After 12 minutes in the road, Kai noticed as Cole slowly moved closer and closer to him, and after a while, he felt as the incubus bites into his neck with his Sharp fangs, and slowly makes a hickey
"What the hell are you doing-?" Kai asked, in a mean tone.

"A hickey? On your neck?" Cole answered, trying not to sound as mean as the prince.

"Yeah, i can obviously feel that! Can you stop-?" He said, again sounding really mean.
"But im so horny right now~-." The Incubus whined.
"Yeah, and-?" Kai was annoyed.
"So i wanted to.. uhh you know.. have s-" cole got interrupted by the prince.
"I ain't fucking you" Kai interrupted "especially in a carriage" he added after a short while.
A mischivieus smile appeared on cole's face.
"And dont even think that im letting you fuck me" the brunnette said, and the smile on the incubus'ess face changed to something like a mad-sad face as he crossed his hands on his chest, to show that he's butthurt.

Kai sighed and added after another while
"Deal with it yourself when we get home"
Cole just ignored him, even tho Heard his words very well, and was probably about to do it even without the prince's suggestion.

And the whole road back to the palace was going on in silence. Maybe  cole muttered a few "hmpf" 's.

But it went on just for a while, untill he fell asleep, laying his head on the brunettes shoulder.

To be honest, Kai was kinda supprised at his reaction. He didnt beg, demand, or anything like that he just accepted that Kai wasnt in the mood right now, and even tho he acted like he was butthurt or mad, Kai knew it was just to show him how unpleased he is with his choince, but that he respects his boundaries and wont insist if he said no. But after all, how could Kai blame him for being horny? That's the whole role of incubus'ess - wanting to fuck their summoner.

Kai helped him out of the carriage, as soon as they came back to the palace.
Cole didnt do much till the end of that day, if i need to be honest, all he did was eat some leftovers from the fridge, than went back to sleep. Well, maybe he whined when Kai told him to change places, and not to sleep on the couch all day. Cole just said he Has no energy or motivation to do anything, well but in the final, he did some origami with Kai, he honestly did it all for Kai, cause he started raging that it didnt turn out how he wanted.


Hi guyys!! Im finally done with this chapter. I wanted to post it yesterday, but i didnt finish it on time, so have a little longer (2100 Words)  chapter but today instead!

Shotout to the one person Who Has actually read the first chapter and gave it a star! ❤️

Make sure to leave a comment, it motivates me a lot!

(Też jestem z Polski)


a big accident (Incubus! cole AU/Prince Kai AU)Where stories live. Discover now