Chapter 3: I'm So Done

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"Where the hell is he?", Sung Gi muttered. She has been waiting for Chanyeol in the Namsan Tower for an hour now. Chanyeol's not answering his phone. But he told SG an hour ago that he's already on his way. Yet... He hasn't appeared. Lucky for him, she's a very patient woman just for him. That's just how much she loves him. She'd wait for him for a very long time even though he'd already rejected her before. Well, at least, he'd already apologized and admitted his feelings.

Although SG is trying her best to be patient for him and to trust him that he will come as promised, she couldn't help but have doubts in her mind. She checked her phone again for the 20th time. "8:00pm...??"

She sighed and sat on a bench, overlooking the beautiful dark sky.

'I miss him. I don't know why I even love him this much. If only Choi knows about this, that Chanyeol's making me wait this long, she would murder him and torture me. But... I still want to wait for him. I need to give him a proper answer. I need to tell him that I... I will accept him back. I'm not gonna care for what other people would say again, this time. All for Chanyeol. Where is he?'

SG stayed there for a few more minutes until she decided to just come to EXO's dorm and see if he's still there and what he's doing.

After 20 minutes, SG arrived in EXO's dorm. She went to the secret backdoor because if she goes to the frontdoor of the apartment, the fans would know she's there. Which might cause A LOT of issues again. She can't afford to have that. It's already enough that the whole world knows Chanyeol rejected her once. But going back to the 'house' of a guy who already rejected her? That won't be a very nice issue. Not that there is any nice issue in this world.

The guards gladly welcomed her, knowing she's SG and she's been EXO's friend for a very long time now. She used to visit them a lot before Chanyeol... Well... You know what I mean. [A/N: I don't want to keep talking about her rejection. I'm having pity for this poor character. Haha]

But to her surprise, as she opened the door, no one else was there in the living room. Usually, the boys would get scattered there and absolutely do nothing but make noise and make a huge mess. But she couldn't even hear anything. She went to the kitchen and knocked on the other rooms but there was no one in the dorm.

"I wonder where those boys are... Especially, Chanyeol...", her heart beat fast when she thought about the worst thing that could ever happen.

"What if... What if Chanyeol tried to bring the others with him to our meeting place because he wanted to do something very romantic for me and he needed their help? What if they did come with him but on their way to Namsan... They got into an accident?! Noooo!", she slapped herself as she said those stupid words. "No, Sung Gi. Kill yourself. Seriously! What are you even thinking about?! Aish! Otoke?! I feel so stupid... Ah! I know! I'll just try calling the others.", she drew out her phone from her bag but she hesitated about calling them.

"No... I should just go back to the Namsan Tower and wait for him there. It'd be embarrassing to ask them where he is. They would think I'm such a desperate little woman. Although, I already know the boys aren't the least bit cruel when it comes to me... I still don't know what goes on in mens' minds! Or I might even ruin their surprise, well, if there really is..."

She was just about to exit the dorm when she thought she heard a bang coming from the practice room. 'That's right! I haven't checked that room yet! I completely forgot about that! Maybe Kai's still there practicing or something. Though, I don't hear any music. Well, just maybe...'

She got really curious as to what she heard so she decided to go check the practice room. But as she was just about to get near the practice room, her heart beat faster for no reason. Well, actually, for a reason.

She heard another weird sound. She knew what this sound was.

'Oh. My. Gosh.', she thought as she covered her mouth to help her sneak in to check if she's right about what she was thinking. She had to be really quiet.

But as soon as she opened the door slightly, her heart immediately broke into pieces. She saw the back of a gray-haired tall guy with a blonde-haired woman who's wearing a long black dress.

"Ahhh.. No... Ahhh... Stop. I mean.. Don't stop.", the woman kept moaning through the kisses. SG knew exactly who that guy was. She couldn't believe it. She didn't even realize she was already crying until she felt teardrops on her hand.

"Chanyeol-oppa... Ahhh.. Y-You're so awesome... Kiss me more."

SG had no idea who the woman was. But she knew one thing for sure, the guy was Chanyeol. Well, the woman already said it. And SG knew Chanyeol's form very well so, she was sure of it.

Chanyeol kept kissing the woman and Sung Gi couldn't take it anymore. She ran. She ran as fast as she could. She ran outside of the dorm through the back door and immediately went inside of a taxi. Crying non-stop.

'How could he do this? After all I've done for him. Why? Why am I never good for him? I feel... So stupid. Choi's right. I'm one hell of an idiot. Chanyeol isn't human. He's heartless.'

SG needed to call someone. She needed a friend to be there with her. But she didn't want to call Sehun. No. Not Sehun. She wanted someone she'd get comfortable with talking about stuff like these. And she didn't want to hurt Sehun by showing him how much she loves his friend. She needed to cry. To release all the pain but... She felt so weak and alone.

She tried to call Choi but she wasn't answering. Probably busy with work. She also tried El Ssi and Il Na but they didn't reply either.

When the taxi reached the central park, she asked the driver to stop the car so she can go out. The driver even asked her if she was okay and what happened but she said she was fine and just went out of the car.

She didn't even give a little shit about who would see her, what the paparazzis would do and whatever happens to her. She just felt so broken. She sat on a bench, still overflowing with tears.

'I hate him so much. But the thing that hurts me more is that... I still love him. I love him so much that I hate him. I was so ready to accept him back and he will just do this to me? And then, he'll say 'sorry' and ask me to accept him again? No. Not again. No more chances. I'm too tired of this. I'm just... I'm so done.'


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