Chapter 6 - Kidnapped

Start from the beginning

"Came this far, I'm not turning back now," Tom affirmed, not deterring from his path. Tom and Jorge pushed forward leaving us caught in the middle of the crowd.

"What did we get ourselves into?" Fry exclaimed.

The hair on the back of my neck prickled. I inhaled a short breath beside Newt. He looked at me with a confused look. Someone was watching us.

I glanced behind my shoulder.

The soldier from the truck before... was shoving people out of the way... heading straight for me and Newt.

Newt also glanced behind us,

"Shit!" He cursed while grabbing my hand and forcing us into a sprint.

I must have heard wrong in the cacophony of voices from the crowd, but I swear I heard someone yelling my name. I ignored it. Even when it became a constant sound from the crowd. I had to be imagining it.

We shoved through the crowd to the front, where we found the others. I grabbed Thomas by the shoulder,

"Guys, we gotta move! Look behind us!"

They all turned to see the soldier beelining for us, and even more fighters flanking us from the sides.



We all turned back round; the crowd now silenced.

The massive guns lining the walls... were lurching into ready position.

Screams escaped mouths behind us. And we felt the crowd slowly dispersing.

"Thomas let's go!" Fry bellowed grabbing Brenda. I grabbed Thomas and shouted,

"Tom, we gotta go-"



Thomas grabbed Newt and I,

"Go! Go! Go!" He screamed as he pulled us back to where we had come from.

More explosions and screams rang through our ears as we sprinted as fast as we could away from the wall. I forced the pain of my ankle into the back of my mind.

We bolted to the side when we were clear of the guns, heading into the city...

But were stopped by a group of soldiers all wearing the same face masks as the first man I saw.

One grabbed me by the back and pulled me away from Thomas and Newt.

The boys roared as I kicked and squirmed, but they were also grabbed and thrown into the back of a van. Fry bellowed while being ripped away from Brenda and then thrown into a van. I was chucked into the same one as Fry. 

"Newt! Thomas! Brenda!" I screamed. 

"Hey! Not her!" I heard a voice yell from outside the van that I could not place. But it was too late. They closed the doors and the driver hit the accelerator. 

I strained my eyes to see out of the front window. The others were in front of us also in vans and there was one soldier in the back with us....

Perfect. I glanced at Frypan with a subtle smirk.

He returned my expression with a face I recognize all to well,

'Don't do it,'

Holy fuck... you know I'm gonna do it.

I directed my gaze to the soldier between us and then back to Fry. He gulped but nodded slowly.

And with my fingers, I counted down from three to Frypan.




"Ahhh!" I bellowed while breaking free and rolling towards the driver. I heard Fry do the same aiming for the soldier behind us. I jumped into the passenger's seat and grabbed the wheel from the driver.

He shouted but before he could grab his walkie talkie I snatched it and put it behind me. The car started veering from side to side. The driver headbutted me and I fell back clutching my face.

I screamed in anger and pounced, blocking his view of the road, ripping off his mask, and laying several punches on his face. I heard a steady thumping and turned around to see the car heading to the side of the road and hitting objects in its path.

"El look out!' Fry screamed.

"No shit!" I hollered back. I looked back at the driver, his face alive in shock.

I opened the car door... and pushed him out.

I settled in the driver's seat, putting my foot back on the accelerator and hands on the wheel. I turned around to see Fry throwing the other knocked-out soldier out of the car.

He rushed forward after shutting the back and jumped into the passenger seat,

"We need to follow the others-"

A crackling over the walkie-talkie made us both jump.

"Larson, what's happening in there? Status update required,"

We both looked at each other... before Fry grabbed the walkie talkie opening his mouth to respond but I snatched it out of his hand,

I cleared my throat and impersonated a male's voice,

"Everything's fine now sir, now, fine, situation... normal... um... how are you?"

I cringed and looked at Fry. His mouth was open in shock. I smiled sheepishly.

"Wait, who is this?"


I threw the walkie-talkie out the window.

I glanced at Fry.

"It's fine... look! They aren't even turn-" I started,

Another truck pulled out of nowhere in front of us. I stopped the car abruptly.

I gulped.

"Yep! Really great Eleanor! Good job..." Fry sighed.

"Uh oh,"

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