Chapter 3 - The Masked New-Comer

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Y/n's entrance into the world of 'Seventeen' marked the beginning of a delicate balancing act. The company decided to keep her as a secret trainee, meaning that her identity would not be revealed until the group's debut performance. So besides her parents, no one else outside the company knew about her. Her Dual identity presented a challenge - a secret she was entrusted to guard until the perfect moment. As the days turned into weeks Y/n found herself navigating the complexities of her new life, straddling the line between her self daily life and Seventeen's practices.

The members of 'Seventeen' were all quick to embrace Y/n and MingHao into their tight-knit group. Mingyu's playful antics, Hoshi's neverending infectious energy, and Joshua's comforting presence created an atmosphere of camaraderie. Seungcheol, the leader, took on the responsibility of guiding Y/n and MingHao through the nuances of being a part of the group.

One evening, shortly after Y/n moved into the group dorm where she would be staying with the rest of the boys, the group gathered in the practice room at night. Seungcheol addressed the group. "Alright, so we need to talk about something important. You are all aware of the unique situation we're in, right?" Y/n nodded, a sense of responsibility settling on her shoulders. "Yes, I understand – my gender will be revealed during our debut performance as a surprise to the fans, so until then I must do my best to maintain the secret." Seungcheol smiled kindly "We trust you Y/n. The company believes that the impact of this surprise will greatly benefit us for our debut and so we must keep your identity under wraps for a little longer. But, I mainly wanted to address the group today because I want to make sure that everyone will be extra helpful and careful."

Mingyu, the optimist chimed in "Don't worry S.Coups-Hyung, we got it. Y/n is just like our secret weapon, when the time comes the surprise will be unforgettable!"

Delving back into rehearsals, Y/n marveled at the seamless blend of personalities within this group. Each member brought something unique to the table, helping each other through challenging dance routines and harmonies. Woozi was one of the hardest working people she has ever met, and incredibly talented. He composed the songs and Y/n could only listen and help. Hoshi was an incredible dancer, with insanely powerful moves and the weirdest choreography ideas. MingHao was also super interesting to talk to as they could teach each other flips and converse with Jun the three of you formed a special bond as you helped them with Korean. 

Yet, as they worked together, Y/n couldn't help but shake the feeling of a growing connection with Seungcheol, who always checked in on her, making sure that she always felt comfortable

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Yet, as they worked together, Y/n couldn't help but shake the feeling of a growing connection with Seungcheol, who always checked in on her, making sure that she always felt comfortable. Getting her extra water during practices, snacks when she looked tired, and occasionally a special breakfast prepared for her to take to morning practice when she left the dorms before everyone else. His charisma, and leadership skills were incredible, it felt so natural to him, not to mention his looks. 

And so the weeks went by, volleyball practices in the morning, studying neuroscience at Yonsei University during the day, trainee practices in the evenings, swim conditioning at night, and theatre rehearsals on the weekends. To say that Y/n was busy would be an understatement, but she enjoyed every single moment of it.

One night, after an intense dance practice session, Seungcheol lingered behind with Y/n while she packed her bags. The quiet hum of the practice room provided a backdrop for their conversation.

"Are you holding up ok, Y/n? You've been quite busy I hope you're not too tired, taking care of your health is very important." Seungcheol asked, his eyes filled with genuine concern.

Y/n offered a small smile. "I appreciate your concern, Seungcheol oppa. It's just a little challenging, you know? Having the keep this secret whilst being with you all every day, and I feel like I've barely gotten to see my parents recently. But I still love every moment." Y/n missed her family dearly, after losing her older brother a few years back she fell into grief for a long time. Her brother was her role model, her closest confidant, and someone she could always turn to no matter what. And losing him was devastating. No words could describe the pain Y/n felt when she realised that she would never get to see him again. And so her family has become even closer ever since.

Seungcheol nodded understandingly. "I get it, it's definitely not an easy position to be in. But we're a team, a family, and so we'll share the burden with you. And once the surprise is revealed, I'm sure it will all be worth it." And with that, they headed back to their dorms for the night.

As the days passed Y/n also began to find solace in the companionship of the group. As the Maknae they all took great care of her and perhaps that filled a little bit of the hole in her heart left behind by her older brother. Joshua, with his gentle but comedic demeanor, bonded with Y/n over a shared love for cooking and anime. Late-night conversations between the two and they snuck into the kitchen for food allowed Y/n to vent her fears and uncertainties about her secret trainee life.

"I know it must be tough, Y/n" Joshua admitted. "But trust me, the bond that we are building now will only strengthen when the secret is unveiled, and until then we are all always here for you. Besides, I always need my midnight-pasta buddy!"  

The group's dynamic extended beyond the lessons and practice rooms, they shared meals, dorms, laughter, shouts, and excitement. 

Y/n was grateful for the genuine friendships that blossomed between this unique family

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Y/n was grateful for the genuine friendships that blossomed between this unique family. And they were all determined to make something of themselves. Y/n was no longer just a newcomer – she, like everyone else, became an integral part of 'Seventeen', destined to make history together. And day by day as they stepped closer to each other and the debut stage, Y/n couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the group. Both in music and in the unity they forged within the confines of their practice rooms and dormitories.

Their journey has just begun.... 

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