Alfred fell into thought. Was he different at home and in the company? He didn't even realize that. "Take the advice you gave Joseph and be calm too. The first time is always like this but you will be accompanying Lex there only and won't participate in the talking. Everything has been set already and we just need a final affinity. So treat it as an opportunity to learn more," he told her and she smiled.

"Aren't I lucky to receive advice from the CEO?" she curled her lips. Alfred shook his head and ignored her antics.
Safiyya hummed and stayed quiet too before she remembered something.

"Right, sir Alfred. What did you tell Lex yesterday?" she asked curiously. When she called Lex last night and tried to apologize for not being there on her first day, he quickly told her that it was okay and he got the message from the CEO.

Alfred answered, "I told him that you were sick and went to see the doctor,"

"Ah!" Safiyya gasped and stared at him incredulously. He looked serious but wait, Lex couldn't believe that because only her family members could know if she was sick and why would she report that to the CEO rather than her boss? Nothing made sense.

"Relax. I told him that I gave you an appointment," Alfred said breaking her panic and closing his eyes. That was payback for what she did to him yesterday. Safiyya sighed in relief before she returned to checking her work on her phone.

8 o'clock clicked and they stood up before waving at the classes. Joseph should be able to see them. They left for the car and drove to Hill Corp and separated to their various offices. Safiyya went to her new office and got her things ready before going to Lex to review more on the meeting and before they knew it, it was 9 o clock.

Safiyya and Lex headed for the meeting room and in a short time, every member involved arrived. The crowd was bigger than before. The technicians and brains behind the new gadgets were first to share their advancement in the project and then it was their turn.

"Do exactly what you did last week and I'll manage the new accounts," Lex told her and she nodded. Safiyya went up to the stage and studied the faces of the people around. Apart from the CEO, Irene, and the COO, even those from Hill Corp didn't know how the presentation last week ended, much less the outsiders. The uncertainty on their faces was clear.

"Bismillah," she muttered inwardly and switched on the slide. Putting on her professional mode, she started the presentation with a brief greeting. The room was quiet again with just her voice sounding and the doubtful looks reduced considerably.

Sitting in the front seats were the Holly couple, Su Ying and Bernard.

"After seeing her appearance and dressing, I thought she would fumble badly but she's good," Su Ying whispered to her husband.

"If Hill Corp made her work then she must be good," Bernard told her.

"Uhm. That's a surprise though. I hope it's not just a facade," she shrugged.

Safiyya finished the presentation and looked at Lex but he simply smiled at her and activated the next slide. Safiyya knew what he meant but this wasn't what they planned right?

Everyone was already waiting, so she just moved on with the presentation.
"The first phase ends in two months, the second will end in the fifth month and then the final phase of the project will end by the new year. Thanks for listening," she ended and held the small pointing device nervously.

Lex grinned and started clapping before the whole room joined. Irene was burning with irritation but she faked her best smile and joined everyone. She can't show others that she doesn't support their employee right?

When it came to the questions and clarification, Lex took the mantle before they went back to their seats.
"You did great," he whispered to her and she smiled nervously. This man almost made her faint okay?

The meeting went on and the date of the tech display was set for ten days. The crowd was reduced and only the clients and the higher-ups remained. Of course, the head accountant was there too.

One of the clients couldn't help but ask, "Will she be heading the budget management?"

"No," Lex said, surprising Safiyya. "Miss Sofiyya here handled the accounts arrangement and budget but she won't be heading the tech display or the follow-up. She has another assignment," Safiyya was sad inside because no one told her but she stayed quiet.

"Oh," the man nodded and smiled at her. "Wish you all the best,"

"Thank you, sir," she returned.

"It's not a big deal Mr. Corpus. She has other appointments well deserving in the company," Irene stated calmly.

"Yes, well deserving work," Lex returned watching the smug smile on Irene's face, and added, "Because she will be working with the CEO,"

"She must be a good seedling to work with Mr. Hill," Mr. Corpus said to Alfred.

"I have started working on my project for the bazaar 023 and the kick-off will be in the tech display. The project is not connected with Hill Corp's tech display and a few other technicians will be joining the bazaar for the first time. Miss Safiyya will be managing this project," he explained.

Safiyya was astonished and lost in a world of surprise while Lex was enjoying the reaction from Irene. She was angry but tried her best not to react. To think that Alfred gave Safiyya such an important project was unbelievable to her.

The clients soon left and Lex and Safiyya went back to their department. Meanwhile, Irene couldn't help but confront Alfred in his office.
"How can you give such a crucial project to that girl? She might have impressed you with just a meager presentation but she wasn't the one who even did all the work. Why would you do that?" she stated disapprovingly.

Alfred looked unfazed as he looked at her.
"Who I choose to assist my project is my business, Irene. And just because she wasn't involved in the tech project from the beginning doesn't explain everything,"

"It does Alfred," Irene insisted. "The bazaar is very important and it affects Hill Corp's reputation,"

"Wait," Alfred frowned. "The construction of the tech will be done by me. Just the budget won't affect the overall performance,"

"You said that she will be managing the project," she said.

"So?" he raised an eyebrow. "I don't know why you are so against this. I can choose to work alone or pick anyone to assist me, so stop this now. The conversation is over."

"Well good luck on that," Irene harrumphed and stormed out of the office. Alfred narrowed his eyes as he watched her leave. Her actions just increased his suspicions of her. Every action has a reason.

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