Happy Fuckin' New Year

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M: yeah ill ask to hang out with her and see what he says

J: Ill get fire wood

J: John is mad at your dad anyhow

M: oh no what did my dad do?

M: and my dad said yes!

J: Touched johns wet boards

J: Lol

M: ooo fuckin kenny

J: Said yes to what

M: me coming to hang with amber haha

J: Cool

M: is it cool if i get there around 3?

J: Ya. Amb is there

J: We are going to verizon 

M: okay thank you sounds good

When I got to Jared's house he wasn't there, but Amber was inside. She shared with me that she was in love with John and that they hook up quite often. She was three shots deep into Old No. 7 and she offered me some. I of course never turn down good whiskey and said yes. Four shots later and I revealed to her I had a thing for Jared. We bonded over our mutual relief our love interest was safe from the other's pursuit. After a while Jared and John came home to Amber and I a little buzzed in the kitchen laughing. Jared asked about dinner when he came home and a part of me was excited to show off my killer cooking skills. Yet, everyone seemed pretty excited for Amber's famous meatloaf. I was curious to see if it was good, and how it was made. Jared gave Amber his credit card to get groceries. 

We went down to the grocery store and when we were checking out, she forgot his pin number and told me to text and ask. I wasn't sure I was comfortable with that. I do not like knowing people's pin numbers, if anything were to happen, I could be to blame. Yet, I asked anyways in hopes it could build trust. To my surprise he texted it to me no problem. I was so intrigued that he would trust me to know over text. I of course would never do anything with is card without him asking. I am just a little weird and was excited about our new found trust. 

When I watched Amber cook, it seemed lazy and easy. Like it would taste good but in a cheap way. She bought powdered potatoes and dumped a third of a cup of brown sugar in the meat. I was concerned for John because he is type 1 diabetic. A lot of sugar isn't exactly a good thing for him. I said nothing though and just walked outside to hang out with Jared. We started talking when Amber drunkenly stumbled out of the house handing us plates of food. I then thought it was a good idea to let Jared know how much sugar was in the meat so John could be aware. I do not care to talk to John directly, I much prefer to communicate with Jared. I also remember how many times a night his phone goes off monitoring his kid's numbers. There have been many times where Jared had to bring him a glass of orange juice in the middle of the night to prevent something bad from happening. John seems ungrateful, but I also do not know what happens behind closed doors. He may have a right to be. 

After eating dinner, Amber and John disappeared. I didn't have to think real hard to figure out where those two got to. It worked out though, I got some much wanted one on one time with Jared. He drank beer and I drank white claws. We started talking and went on for so long that we were both drunk enough to admit that we were attracted to each other. He even told me that when we were sitting in the hot tub at Huntington beach he couldn't get out to jump in the pool with everyone because ... well I guess I had a standing ovation from a part of him. 

I was shocked. I couldn't believe that he was being serious, but I guess I should trust his word. 

I told Jared that I was writing this book. I told him he would never find it. He then asked me if he could read it, but I was hesitant because he is obviously in it. After refusing I compromised with him by telling him his fake name. He surprisingly is not a fan of the name but I told him it was the sexiest name I could think of. I then showed him a picture of Jared Padalecki and said he reminded me of the actor. I asked Jared,

I'm Gonna Write a BookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz