new year's day (f)

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Please don't ever become a stranger (hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you)
Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere (hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you)

Skeppy's POV

I sit on the cold tiled floor of my kitchen. It's dark. Everything feels dark. I know it's New Year's Eve, but I just can't help but feel so alone.

I don't really know how I got here. I specifically made plans months ago just so this wouldn't happen. A couple of friends and I were supposed to go to a party today.

I, of course, agreed to the festivity when they brought it up. No questions asked, just an, "I'll be there." No checking my calendar to see if I had other things planned. No seeing if I had room in my schedule. A quick, on the spot answer. An agreement.

Nothing happened to me. I could've gone. In fact, I was and still am all ready to go. Shoes on, keys in hand, and even an unlocked apartment door.

So I have absolutely no reason to still be sitting on this dark floor, feeling unhappy. My day was perfectly fine. I started it off by going out for breakfast, then I uploaded a video on my second channel and recorded a new one on my server. I even went to the gym after lunch.

I hear a buzz coming from my phone. The screen lights up and I see a message from someone. Assuming it's one of my friends who's going to the party, I reluctantly pick up the device. I sigh before taking a glance at what the notification might be.

BadBoyHalo. Not the first person I thought it would be, but not the last person either. I relax when I realize it's him. Talking with him isn't as complicated as whatever this other situation is.

I open up my phone and click on the message from him. He's just asking how I am.

I respond with a dry, "good" before slowly standing up and pushing the phone into my pocket. Once I'm up, I trudge over to the fridge and open it. Taking some milk, I open the cabinet above me and grab a glass.

I pour the milk into the glass and set the carton on the counter. I take a few cookies out of my cupboard and unlock my phone again to see if Bad texted me back. He did.

Before I get a chance to see what he said, my phone starts ringing and he's suddenly calling me. No. He's FaceTiming me.

I panic, almost dropping the cookies. I know I'm all ready to go, but I still feel like I'm not presentable enough to FaceTime anyone. Especially Bad.

Whatever. I run my hands through my hair before pressing the "accept call" button. I'm joined by a black screen.

"Bad?" I say, visibly confused as to why he's even FaceTimed me in the first place. I know my best friend, he doesn't particularly like showing his face. FaceTiming is the last thing he would choose to do.

"Hi! Happy New Year's Eve," Bad starts, as if nothing is out of the usual. He props his phone up on his desk and smiles at me.

"Why are you calling me so late? Don't you have plans?" I ask, it coming out meaner than I initially planned. He looks at me with a saddened expression. A small wave of guilt falls over me as I realize he could take that in a mean way.

"..not in a mean way! I'm sorry if that came out wrong." I say before he gets a chance to respond. His face changes, as if he was relieved by the clarification.

"I just finished streaming, and I don't usually do anything special for New Year's, you muffin. I thought you would be doing something? You talk about going to the club for holidays like this all the time." He finishes. I look at him with a fake-annoyed face and playfully role my eyes, taking a bite of the cookie in my hand.

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