Chapter 31: You're My Best Friend

Start from the beginning

"What's your announcement, baby?" Freen asks attentively. Becky smiles at Freen; she's such a hands on mom.

"I haves a boyfriend!" Becca says definitely, looking her mama straight in the eyes as if she knows she will have a problem with this.

Becky chokes on her mashed potato and her eyes bulge out of her head. Freen chuckles at her girlfriend's reaction and soothes her by putting her hand on top of Becky's.

"No! You absolutely do not!!" Becky says mid choking. Becca frowns just like Freen does whenever she's mad.

"Beck.." Freen says, laughing a little.

"Yess I do!!" Becky raises her voice. "Sam is my boyfriendses."

"Sam?! As in goalie on the soccer team, Sam?" Becky asks, shocked beyond belief. "Just when you think you can trust someone..." Becky shakes her head. "No way you can date him!!" Becky says and Becca looks like she's getting angrier and angrier by the second.

"Why!!" Becca yells and bangs her hands on the table, very close to a meltdown.

Freen chuckles but puts a stern face on. "No yelling, baby. Talk nice to your mama."

Becca just huffs, sinks down in her chair, and crosses her arms.

"For starters, he picks his nose instead of catching goals. And he smells like-" Becky says, frustrated. Her baby girl is too young to date. Absolutely not. No!

"MAMA STOPS IT!" Becca yells even louder. "WE ARE GETTING MARRIEDS!"

"Rebecca!" Freen reprimands her daughter. Her daughter nibbles on her nugget and gives her mother a cold stare.

"It's like a I have two 6 six-year-olds..." Freen whispers to Becky and playfully rolls her eyes. Becky pouts and mumbles something about how her baby girl isn't allowed to date until she's dead.

"Now both of you calm down." Freen says, looking between Becca and Becky. Both girls have deep pouts on their faces.

"Becca baby, you like Sam?" Freen says gently and Becca nods enthusiastically. Becky huffs and crosses her arms. "Okay... how about we make a compromise, here." Freen says, trying to hold back herself from laughing. This is too cute.

"Sam can be your boyfriend, but you can't marry him until you finish elementary school." Freen jokes and Becky looks at her with such fierce eyes.

"Babe!!" Becky objects.

"Okay okay, fine na, you can't marry him until you're out of college. Better?" Freen says playfully and sticks her tongue out at Becky. Becca scrunches her face in deep thought.

Both Becca and Becky seem unhappy with their cute little pouts but nonetheless, they agree to the compromise. Freen chuckles to herself. Having a little boyfriend is completely innocent. They will probably 'break up' in a weeks time. But Becky is so protective over their daughter is so freaking adorable to Freen. It makes her melt.

Becky Armstrong is certainly the one for her.


"Hey P'Freen, can we talk?" Irin knocks on Freen's bedroom door later that night.

Freen is already dressed in her pjs and snuggled up in bed, but Becky is still in the shower. Becca is fast asleep. The little fight of Becca's 'boyfriend' long forgotten.

"Sure, nong. What's up?" Freen says as she pats the bed space next to her. Irin sighs heavily and lays down next to her.

"I have something to tell you..." Irin starts out carefully. Freen just nods. She can tell something serious is weighing Irin down right now.

Leaving Home (My Heart Never Left You) (Freen x Becky)Where stories live. Discover now