Chapter 31: You're My Best Friend

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"You have to tell her, baby..." Richie says quietly as he puts his clothes back on. "Freen is just starting to trust me again. I don't want her to think I was sneaking off behind her back with her best friend."

Irin bites her lip and nods. "It's just.." Irin sighs, frustrated. "P'Freen won't even be mad at you, Richie. I think she will be disappointed in me for keeping this from her though. We tell each other everything."

"Well then, why didn't you tell her about us months ago?" Richie asks softly, moving to lay next to Irin in bed. "Are you ashamed of me? The loser addict?" Richie asks, trying to hide the hurt evident in his voice.

"Hey... stop that." Irin says, cupping Richie's cheeks. "You have to stop thinking so lowly of yourself. You're not a loser. You have a disease and you're clean. You've been clean for a long time now. You have to stop beating yourself up over this." Irin says genuinely.

"My sister missed out on her daughter's life for 6 years. She missed her first steps, first words, first day of school, so much more. And it's because of me.. I know she says she has forgiven me and I know Freen does too... now that I've met Becca, and god, she's everything, Irin. She's my everything too. That means Freen put her whole trust on me now and I don't ever want to break her trust again because if I do, I'll never..." Richie shakes his head and looks off.

"Never what?" Irin says gently. She knows how hard this has been for Richie these past few months. She has seen it firsthand.

"I'll never forgive myself." Richie says before sucking in a shaky breath.

"Babe...." Irin says sadly. "We all make mistakes. You were trying your best. Please don't be so hard on yourself. You have infinite love for your sister. It's time to love yourself too, ka?" Irin says before kissing the older man's forehead.

"And you're right. I should have told P'Freen about this a long time ago. I just didn't know how to tell her. And this whole situation has been very complicated, you know? I'm not a commitment person and neither are you." Irin says honestly and Richie nods along.

Both of them have been seeing other people during this setup, although that has been happening less and less on both sides. Whether they are ready to admit it or not, this setup is turning less and less casual as each day goes by.

"Yeah... you're right. I can't be tie down." Richie smirks and then crawls on top of Irin. "Although... I think I'd like to tie you up just about now." Richie whispers seductively before crashing his lips passionately with Irin's.

"I'd have no objections to that." Irin says breathily in between kisses. Both of them have a similar gleam in their eyes before their lips reconnect together for a night of continued lust.


"Mommies, I have an announcement!" Becca says happily before eating another chicken nugget.

It's dinner time after a long hard day. Becky fought three fires today and she is absolutely beat. She can't wait to just snuggle up with her girls and watch TV.

Lately, she has been staying most nights at Freen's apartment. It was just two months ago that they told Becca that they were officially girlfriends. Their little girl squealed and was absolutely ecstatic. Things between her and Freen are serious and real now. Freen has even insisted she leaves a toothbrush in the bathroom and some clothes in a drawer.

They are truly a little family now. Becky knows it's too soon but she wishes she lived with her girls full time. She'll wait on discussing that idea with Freen though. Becky knows she shouldn't rush this though.

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