Chapter 25: Do I Wanna Know?

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Becky slowly wakes up to the feeling of a finger gently poking at her cheek. The brunette opens her eyes to see Freen's hair sprawled over her own face and chest, still hugging Becky for dear life. Becky shifts her vision slightly and sees her daughter in her pjs poking her face.

Becca's face is all scrunched and confused. Becky gulps. This isn't good. Her daughter won't understand why her parents are sleeping in the same bed. The last thing Becky wants is for Becca to jump to the wrong conclusion that her mommies are back together.

"Mama, why are you in mommy's bed?" Becca innocently asks, genuinely confused. Did her plan work? Are her mommies together like Sky's daddies now? Sky's daddies share one bed too.

"I um... well... I was really tired last night, baby, and I feel asleep." Becky stuttered out. The firefighter carefully scans her daughter's face as she processes the information.

"So will you sleep in mommy's bed every night now?" Becca asks while climbing into bed with her mommies and cuddling up to Becky's other side.

"No, baby. It was only last night." Becky softly says, trying to hide her own sadness that she will not have Freen in her arms tonight and the night after that and the night after that.

Becca frowns and her lip trembles a little. She wants her mommies together now! Her plan should be working.

"Are you okay?" Becky asks her daughter whose face is etched in a permanent scowl, her eyes hanging low and defeated.

Becca nods slowly staring at her mommy tightly clutching onto her mama. She doesn't understand her mommies. She remembers she came in here for a reason. She had a nightmare, an extra scary one too.

"I hads a nightmares." Little Becca fearfully whispers, her face nuzzling deeper and deeper in Becky's neck.

"Aw... BB.. it's okay na. How about you sleep here the rest of the night okay?" Becky sweetly says, gently rubbing Becca's back to soothe the young scared girl.

"Ka mama... pwease..." Becca mumbles, already drifting off back to sleep.

Becky closes her eyes and feels the soft puffs of both her daughter and love's breaths hitting both sides of her neck. She could not ask for a moment more peaceful. This is all she's ever wanted, needed. Becky falls back asleep warm and content to dream of better days for her and her family ahead.


The next time Becky wakes up, Becca and Freen are still hugging onto her with all her might. Becky glances at the clock which says 9:30 a.m. The firefighter skillfully detaches Freen and Becca from herself and stealthily makes her way to the kitchen.

Becky decides she's going to cook Freen's favorite breakfast. She wants to cheer Freen up in any way she can. Becky puts on some soft music and gets to work making stuffed french toast with berries and Nutella and omelette with a side of sizzling bacon.

Becky lays out all the food and the sweet smell fills the apartment. The firefighter tiptoes back into the bedroom and wakes up Becca first and tells her to go wait in the kitchen for her and her mommy. Becky realizes Freen may very well be a little hungover or still upset and she wants to wake her up gently.

Once Becca is out of the room, Becky gets back under the covers with Freen and the younger brunette immediately shuffles closer to her, pressing her body heat against Becky. Becky gulps. She never wants this to end. She takes a moment to cherish the simple feeling of a warm soft asleep Freen in her arms for a moment more before she slowly coaxes Freen away.

"Babe... Freen ka...wake up na.. I made breakfast." Becky softly says as she massages Freen's scalp.

Freen lets out a hum of content and lifts her head a tad. Her eyes are still closed and she has a frown etched on her face from being woken up. She kisses Becky's lips for a second before falling back into Becky's arms and into a deep sleep once more.

Leaving Home (My Heart Never Left You) (Freen x Becky)Where stories live. Discover now