Start from the beginning

Phil shoots to his feet, shaking his fist at the bird. "I do not have dad senses!" He sits back down. "Lies and slander, slander and lies." He mutters to himself.

Soos laughs at the beef between the old man and a bird. Phil stares into Soos's soul.

"What was so funny?" Phil asks in a tone reminiscent of the eye of the storm, a false calm before the storm would break.

"Nothing!" Soos promises. "Alright dude, you seem pretty chill with animals, so I'll trust you." He sighs. "I was just kinda bummed 'cause the little dudes threw me a surprise birthday party."

Phil hums. "Why did that bum you out?"

Soos stares off into the distance, formulating his response. "Well, my dad never showed up to any of my birthdays, at least not that I can remember. My Abuelita took care of me, and reassured me that my dad wanted to visit, but he was busy. He would send post cards from wherever he was at the time for my birthday, but they all had the same excuse."

"That's rough buddy."

"I finally realized he wasn't ever coming back on my 12th birthday. Ever since, I've had problems around my birthday." Soos finishes.

"Damn." Phil mutters. "That's... a lot. Do you have a therapist? If you don't, I know- well, knew- someone. I can reach out to her if you need it. If she's too busy, I could always act as a therapist."

"Therapist?" Soos asks. "But I'm not a psychopath or whatever?"

"What? No." Phil protests. "You don't need to have a mental issue to go to therapy. It's like a mind doctor. You should have a psychological check-up every once in a while. Therapy is also great for dealing with trauma, and I'm fairly certain being abandoned by your father counts as, at least mildly, traumatizing."

Soos nods uncertainly. "If you wouldn't mind reaching out, dude, that seems like it could be beneficial."

"It is, it helped Techno get over some stuff." Phil nods.

"Huh? What could Techno be traumatized by?" Soos asks in shock.

"Mate, when he was young, Techno's family was murdered in front of him and he was kidnapped and enslaved. He was forced to fight in a pit for years, until he managed to break free and overthrow the fight ring. I didn't meet him until years later." Phil explains softly.

"Wait, you aren't related to Techno!?" Soos gasps.

Phil stares deadpan at Soos.

"Hmm, now that you mention it, you and Techno don't look all that similar." Soos ponders.

Phil shakes his head. "You- y'know what, not even gonna address that. I'll reach out, but in the mean time, found family can be a decent way to get through your issues with your birthday."

"Found... family?"

"Yeah, people you care about like family but aren't necessarily related. Like me, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy."

"Tommy? Oh yeah, the guy who's somewhere far away." Soos recollects.

Phil stills. "Who told you that?" He asks, a dangerous steel under his voice.

"Techno." Soos responds.

"Ah, I see." Phil relaxes. "Yeah, he's somewhere I can't get to, not for now."

"You know where he is? I got the impression from Techno that you just knew he was far away." Soos comments.

"Yeah, Tommy's with my wife. Don't uh, don't tell Techno." Phil requests.

"Why not dude, he seemed pretty distressed." Soos protests.

"Believe me, for now it is better for him not to know." Phil promises.

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