Founder's Day

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[Mystic Falls Square]

(Caroline is taking pictures with Matt, chelsea and ethan)

Bonnie: Say cheese!

Caroline (to Matt): Oh wait! Hide your cast, it's not era appropriate

Matt: Seriously?

Caroline: Yes

chelsea: best not to argue at this point

[matt then chuckles]

Matt: Okay, fine

(Bonnie takes the picture, Tyler arrives)

Caroline: me and chelsea want one with Bonnie now

Tyler: Here, I can take it

(Matt looks at him)

Matt: I'll be on the float

(Tyler looks at Caroline and chelsea and smiles)

Tyler: I said I was sorry

Chelsea: You made out with his mother and then you beat him to a plop. You're gonna have to do a little bit better than sorry

[chelsea then walks towards the float with ethan]


[the parade]

(The floats are parading. Carol Lockwood comments everything)

Carol Lockwood: Let's get a big applause to the Mystic Fall's high school Marching Band!

(The marching band and the cheerleaders parade, everyone applause and scream)

Carol Lockwood: And for a little local history, Mr. Saltzman students have recreated Virginia's battle of Little Creek

(The float arrives in the street. Jeremy and Tyler are in it, they say hi to everyone)

Carol Lockwood: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome our stunning Miss Mystic Falls court and their handsome escorts

(Elena, Stefan, Caroline, chelsea, ethan and Matt are on the float; they laugh and say hi to everyone)

Carol Lockwood: This is Caroline Forbes, Miss Mystic Falls. Aren't they beautiful?


[Mystic Grill]

(Tyler is at the pool table. Matt , chelsea, ethan and  Caroline are sitting at a table, they look at him)

Caroline: There this time, freshman year, when Bonnie and I were in a fight and we swore that you would never talk again

Matt: Caroline, give it a rest

(Mayor Lockwood arrives at the Mystic Grill. He goes toward Tyler)

Mayor Lockwood: What are you doing here? I told you to go home

Tyler: I decided not to

Mayor Lockwood: If I tell you to do something you do it!

(He catches Tyler's arm and begins to scream)

Tyler: Let go of me!

(Caroline and chelsea arrive)

Chelsea: Mayor, is everything okay?

(Matt and ethan arrive too; the mayor looks at them)

Mayor Lockwood: Please Tyler; I need you to go home, now. Take your friends with you

Matt: why? What's going on?

Mayor Lockwood: I can't explain. All of you need to get home, now. Please

Tyler: Yeah, okay

(The mayor gives him his car's keys)

Mayor Lockwood: Here, take my car, it's on back. Caroline,chelsea, ethan and  Matt go with him

(They look at him and leave)

[Mystic Falls]

(Tyler is driving when he suddenly heard the device along with chelsea)

chelsea: What the hell is that?

Caroline: What's the matter?

Tyler: That noise

Matt: Wait, what noise?

(Tyler and chelsea hold thier heads and begin to scream)

ethan: chelsea! [he tries to comfort her as she screams]

Caroline: Tyler! Tyler! Chelsea! what is going on!

(He loses the control of the car)

Matt: Caroline, the wheel!

(She tries to hold the wheel, Tyler and chelsea scream. The car crashes against a wall)


[Mystic Falls]

(Matt, ethan, chelsea and Caroline are out of the car; an ambulance is here, Tyler is on the floor, unconscious)

Matt: Hey, are you okay?

Caroline: I'm fine, I'm fine

ethan: how about are you doing

chelsea: i'm fine...

Matt: No, they need to check you out

ethan: you too chelsea...

chelsea: i'm fine...honest...

Caroline: No, I'm fine I'm fine. They're helping Tyler

(The doctors are examining Tyler. One of the doctors opens one of his eyes, he is black, red, yellow and orange)

Doctor 1: What the hell?!

Matt: What's wrong?

Doctor 1: His eyes

(Ethan and chelsea share a look suddenly Tyler wakes up)

Tyler: What happened?

Matt: Dude, don't scare me like that

(chelsea turns her head, Caroline is on the floor, unconscious)

chelsea: Caroline! Guys over here! Caroline wake up!

[the emt's then rush towards caroline who is unconscious]


[Mystic Falls' hospital]

(Matt, ethan, chelsea are sitting and Tyler rejoins them)

Tyler: Hey man. I'm so sorry. Look, I don't even know what happened

Matt: It's okay man

(Tyler sits down with them, sheriff Forbes arrives. Matt and chelsea get up)

chelsea: What's happening, is she alright?

Sheriff Forbes: There was some internal bleeding; they're taking her to surgery

Matt: What else did they say? Is she gonna be okay?

Sheriff Forbes: They're gonna do everything they can

(they look at her and sit down)

Sheriff Forbes: Tyler, have you talk to your mom?

Tyler: I left a message telling I was here

Sheriff Forbes: You need to call her

Tyler: What is it?

Sheriff Forbes: it's your dad

The Vampire Diaries Season 1Where stories live. Discover now