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[One Year ago]

[Chelsea and Michael are driving down a road with Chelsea being in the driver's seat]

chelsea: so how am i doing dad

michael: pretty well considering this is...what our second time out

[chelsea then flashes her dad a smile as they come to a red light]

michael: so...how is tyler

chelsea: dad...

michael: what...can't a father know about the boy that his daughter is dating

chelsea: he can...but not all dad's carry a shot gun on them

[the two then chuckle]

michael: its not like i threatened to use it...

[the light turn green and they make a left turn as another car runs a red]

Michael: chelsea look out!

[chelsea steps on the breaks but unfortunatly the other car hits theirs causing the car to flip three times with the car being flipped upside down  and chelsea opens her eyes and sees her dad unconscious and as the two are both stuck . The sound of sirens is then heard and chelsea hears sheriff forbes voice]

sheriff forbes: chelsea....

chelsea: liz?

sheriff forbes: are you ok

chelsea: i'm stuck...my dad...he is not moving...you need to get him out

sheriff forbes: we will...we are going to get you both out...hunny i promise....

[the firemen/police crew then are able to get both of them out and chelsea goes over to her dad who is still unresponsive]

chelsea: dad....[teary] dad...wake up....please...someone help....

[the emt's then take over]


[chelsea and her mom are at the hospital waiting for the news on her dad]

chelsea: i'm so sorry mom

kendra: its not your fault honey...[she then takes her hand] it will be alright

[grayson gilbert then walks over]

chelsea : Dr. Gilbert

[grayson gilbert then has a heartbreaking look on his face]

grayson: i'm so sorry...we did all we could...but his injuries....it was too much

[chelsea and kendra then look at one another as the two break down crying]


[chelsea is in her room looking at the mirror teary eyed and wipes them and a sudden pain rushes through her and she opens her eyes that turn to a dark/golden brownish color]

chelsea: what is happening to me....

[After telling her mom about the eye change Kendra sat her daughter down and explained how chelsea was adopted and born with a wolf gene and is activated by taking the life of another intentionally or not. It was a lot for chelsea to take in but they dealt with it step by step and kept things quiet as they did not want to draw attention]

[One Year Later]

[Chelsea is in her room getting ready and a knock is heard on the door]

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