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[alaric's home]

[next morning]

[ethan walks in the living room and sees his dad in his office]

ethan: ok

[alaric then looks at ethan]

alaric: yeah..i'm fine...

[ethan then notices he is looking at a picture of his mother]

ethan: thinking about mom

alaric: yea..but don't you worry about where did you run off to...after the school fair

ethan: [smiling] i may have ended up at chelsea's

[alaric the smiles]

ethan: what

alaric: so are you two a couple now..or

ethan: i don't know..but we did kiss...i like her..alot...

alaric: well i'm happy for you son...

ethan: me too..i honestly never felt this way..about anyone before...

alaric: you deserve it...

ethan: there is one thing ..though about her...that i found a bit up our alley

alaric: meaning what

ethan: she has a birthmark...on her left shoulder...and..i've seen it..when we were in louisana

[alaric then nods understanding what he means]

ethan: if i'm won't i feel about her...she would never hurt me..

alaric: ethan...if you are  right..she will have no control when she turns..and she could do much worse then hurt you

[ethan then takes out his crossbow]

ethan: well than i guess its a good thing i'm a hunter...and if she gets out of control..i'll deal with it..without killing her

[alaric then nods]


[caroline and chelsea are walking down the hall and arrive at her locker]

caroline: so give me was it

chelsea: he is a good kisser...and...just so smart...and so hot! even my mom thought he was great...

caroline: aw...i'm so happy

[caroline then hugs chelsea]

caroline: so does this guys are a couple now...

chelsea: i don't know..i guess. i will find out

[caroline then notices ethan walking their way]

caroline: better find out quick...cause here he comes..

[caroline then leaves smiling as ethan approaches chelsea]

chelsea: hey...

ethan: hi...

chelsea: so last was fun

ethan: that it was...

chelsea: so...maybe we can have repeat...

ethan: we could..or i can take you on a date

chelsea: i thought we already did that...last night

ethan: i guess..but ..i want ..this to be an official do you say...chelsea..will you go out with me

[chelsea then smiles nodding]

chelsea: i would love too..

[ethan then kisses chelsea as some ooh's are heard in the background]

ethan: pick you up at 7

[chelsea then nods feeling her heart race as she watches him walk down the hall]


[chelsea is getting ready in her room and her mom is helping her]

kendra: how are you feeling

chelsea: excited...nervous...but in a good way..

kendra: ethan..seems like a very nice young man...

chelsea: yea..i really like him...alot...

[the doorbell is then heard and chelsea smiles at her mom and goes to answer it and sees ethan holding a rose]

chelsea: [smiling] hi..

[she then takes the rose smelling it]

chelsea: its beautiful..

ethan: just like you...

[chelsea smiles and he holds out her hand and she takes it]


[the two are walking down the street holding hands]

chelsea: so where are we going..

ethan: its a suprise...

[they arrive at a ,movie theatre and see pet cemetary playing and chelsea then sends a look to ethan]

chelsea: seriously..

ethan: i couldn't do you say...are ready to take the plunge...i promise..i'll protect you..

chelsea: alright....but...i expect..extra butter on my popcorn

[ethan then smiles as the two head inside the movie theatre]

[at the grill]

[chelsea and ethan are talking]

ethan: so it wasn't that bad was it

chelsea: there were a few parts that scared me..but it did help...that you were there as a comfort

ethan: good...a ego booster is always great to hear...

[the two then smile and the waiter comes by with the bill paying it]


[chelsea and ethan are walking outside and stop at her house]

chelsea: well...tonight was perfect

ethan: i'm glad you had a good time...

[the two then kiss again]

ethan: would it freak you out..if i called girlfriend

[chelsea then smiles]

chelsea: only if i get to call you my boyfriend..

[the two then kiss again]

[chelsea then turns to head inside]

chelsea: see you in school tomorrow...

[ethan then smiles nodding and she closes the door smiling as he smiles walking home]

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