162 Candles

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[chelsea wakes up and gets dressed then heads downstairs and sees her mom cooking pancakes]

chelsea: pancakes?

kendra: yea...we haven't had them in a while

[chelsea then nods grabbing some coffee and sits at the kitchen table]

chelsea: really..with chocolate syrup...and whip cream

[kendra then gives chelsea a look]

chelsea: this is post breakup breakfast...

kendra: no...of course not..

chelsea: mom

kendra: ok..yes it is...but...can't a mother do a nice thing for her daughter...that is going through a difficult time...

chelsea: yes..but...did you have to go full out..i mean chocolate syrup...whip cream...

kendra: i know..i just...i want you to feel better sweetie...

chelsea: i will...in time...

[the door then opens]

voice: knock knock

[caroline then enters with a tray of three coffees and a box of donuts]

caroline: i got coffee and donuts

[chelsea then looks at both of them]

chelsea: you...guys...seriously...this has gone too far...even if i am a sucker for the sprinkle donut

[chelsea then grabs the donut and coffee and chuckles with her mom and caroline]


[chelsea is at caroline's trying on clothes]

chelsea: so..why are you throwing a party

caroline: damon..asked me to throw it and it would be a great opportunity to put yourself back out there

chelsea: i don't know...and i thought you and damon were done

caroline: i can change my mind...and c'mon chelsea...it will be so much fun...i can introduce you to so many boys...some of them have been asking questions..about you being single

chelsea: how is that possible..me and tyler literally broke up yesterday...

caroline: i may have put the word out

chelsea: caroline....

caroline: it was all for a good cause..besides...i ran into Chris Harkin [Noel from pll] and he was asking about you

chelsea: more like you trying to set something up

caroline: maybe...but what can it hurt besides he is your middle school crush...you liked him all through then and he is finally showing interest...please...do it for me

chelsea: fine...only because you asked

caroline: great...cause he is going to meet you at the grill at 7

chelsea: you set me up on a date not knowing if i would say yes...

chelsea: you're welcome..now lets go

[caroline and chelsea then head to the grill]

[the grill]

[caroline and chelsea arrive at the grill where they see Chris sitting at the table waving]

caroline: go get him..tiger

[caroline then pushes chelsea forward sitting down at the table talking to Chris]


[a very drunk chelsea is being held by chris who has intentions of taking her home and the two come out of the grill and kiss as he grazes her butt]

chris: you wanna get out of here

chelsea: i should..i should go home

chris: c'mon..my place isn't far...

[chris then kisses chelsea who pushes him away]

chelsea:no..i want to go

chris: c'mon...we can have some fun

[christ then continues to try and kiss chelsea while she tries pushing him away and he gets punched in the face]

voice: get off of her

[jeremy then appears and he picks up chelsea carrying her bridal style]

chris: what the hell!...she was into me man...don't be a clock block

jeremy: yea...she seemed quite into it...even if she was pushing you...away...get lost..dick

[jeremy then is holding chelsea and the two run into sheriff forbes]

Sherriff Forbes:What happened is she ok ?

Chelsea:Like you care.

Sheriff Forbes:She's drunk?

Chelsea:As a skunk.

Sheriff Forbes:Are they serving you in there?

jeremy:I'll take her home .It's on my way . I haven't been drinking.

Sheriff Forbes:I would apreciate that jeremy thank you . You and I will discuss this later with your mother..

Chelsea:Can't wait.

[jeremy then puts chelsea in the car and they arrive at her house and he puts her on her bed]

jeremy:You gonna be ok?

Chelsea:No .can i ask you something?

jeremy: sure

chelsea: what is wrong with me? why can't i find one person who can just love me...and treat me like how i should be

jeremy: you will find one someone chelsea...you won't be sad forever...

Chelsea: I just wish...


chelsea: Wish that life was... different.

jeremy:Yeah me too.

[jeremy then gets up to leave but chelsea grabs his hand]

chelsea:Please ...don't leave me alone.

[jeremy then nods and gets in the bed beside chelsea pulling her against his chest and plays with her hair and kisses her head as she falls asleep]

The Vampire Diaries Season 1Where stories live. Discover now