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First hadn't been to  mother Khaotung's house in a long time, always not having the right time.
Right now, fortunately First and Khaotung themselves were on the same vacation, so when Khaotung asked him to take him to his mother's house First eagerly agreed.

"Bring me the rest, Khao."

Khaotung annoyedly turned back to First who seemed to be bothered to carry a lot of food crackers, even though Khaotung wanted to greet his mother immediately.
Khaotung never bought anything if he visited home, just bring his body, anyway his mother said she just missed him. But it was different if First came, he always stopped at every food shop on the way and bought everything to give to Khaotung's mother.
It wasn't just to attract the attention of the future in-laws, First was just an understanding son.

"I told you not to bring anything, you're inconveniencing yourself and me of course."

"Insolent boy," muttered First as he followed the footsteps of Khaotung who was still grumbling about First's messy spending.

"Mae! I'm coming with someone!"

"Wait a minute, mae still in the kitchen!"

There was the sound of footsteps approaching the entrance of her house, then the middle-aged woman happily hugged Khaotung and expressed how much she missed her only son.

"So it's First you brought here? Oh my, my son too." Thani hugged First tighter than when she hugged Khaotung, probably because it had been a long time since they had met and she saw how much First brought for her unlike Khaotung, who really only brought her body.

"You always bring  food like this every time you come," Thani said touched, then she badmouthed Khaotung in front of First which First himself agreed how bad of a character Khaotung was.

"Mae will bring you drinks after-"

"I'll bring it, mae just take care of the food First brought."

Khaotung then went to the kitchen and First helped Thani put all the crackers on the table.
Thani then told him that last night she told Khaotung to bring the girl he promised to introduce to her about 5 months ago, but Khaotung said he would bring someone else.

"I'm still happy that he brought you, I miss you too."

First was silent after hearing that, until now Khaotung had not explained what he was going to do to force him to formalize their relationship, First was thinking about something that he thought was bad at the moment and hoped that Khaotung would not do it.

Seen Khaotung returning with his mother's homemade drinks, he then raved about all the dishes his mother had made. It was a lot, as if they were having a big meal.

First couldn't possibly ask Khaotung right now, the child and mother were catching up and First didn't bother him.
Oh, he also missed his mom and dad who he hadn't visited in a long time, but they didn't ask to be visited like Khaotung's mom.


It was raining all of a sudden, even though they were planning to go home this afternoon, but it didn't look like it was going to let up until evening.


Khaotung immediately took two footsteps back from First. He wanted to get First's embrace, but he had not even gotten his arms around First yet.

"Just because I forced you to behave," Khaotung grumbled.

"Hey, what's your plan?" First asked, remembering that he wanted to ask about his suspicions.

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