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"I think I like you too. I'm not sure yet but I want to be with you all the time these days, I miss you even when I see you like this, I think it will be easy if I say I like you and we can be together without any obstacles."

Khaotung looked deeply at First, even though he kept saying he wasn't sure what he felt, his gaze showed that he wanted First as more than a friend. That feeling was also mixed with curiosity, how would it feel to be a partner with a man who had been your best friend for so long.

"What the fight do you want me to do? To prove that I like you too."

"You're not sure about that feeling," First replied.

"But I want to be with you, I want to be here with you. Don't help me get an apartment, I want you to accept me again."
First was currently on the balcony of his apartment, an hour after the messy dinner. His mind kept going back to Khaotung's seemingly blunt confession, even his doubts were well conveyed to First. But the feeling of not wanting to be shunned, the feeling of longing, and the feeling of wanting to be together were also evident.
First still hasn't gotten the answer to all these thoughts, can he open the way for Khaotung so that it will be easier for him to determine his own feelings? Should he walk with Khaotung who is still hesitant and accept again if the feeling is always there?
Should he walk with Khaotung who still doubts and accepts back if the feeling was always just an outlet because the relationship ended with View? Should he fight back?

First went back into the room and found Khaotung already lying on the bed, and he did the same, lying on the bed right next to Khaotung.
Then the next second, Khaotung tilted his body and hugged First's chest with his eyes closed.
All this time, if Khaotung slept in this position First never moved an inch.
But this time, he also tilted his body to make Khaotung more free to hug First's waist and First himself could be more comfortable to look at Khaotung closely like this.

"Don't push me away again," Khaotung muttered.

First then raised his hand to cushion Khaotung's head, and after the position became more comfortable First began to think that he would walk in his own hesitation, and give way to Khaotung if indeed this boy was just curious.
Khaotung was hugged tighter by First, silently while channeling the longing that he had been hoarding and hiding so well.
A new day with a new life.
His relationship with View was completely over, Khaotung decided not to have any contact with her anymore, he also unfollowed all of View's social media accounts.
As for yesterday's problem, that too was over, First and Mix had managed to clear all the names involved.
Now, Khaotung just needs to focus on his feelings that are still on the verge of doubt towards First.

Khaotung never wasted his time looking at First like this the moment after he woke up from his sleep. If you look carefully, this face looks handsome with soothing facial lines but holds many stories nicely.
His body was just right for him to hug all night, his body odor being the reason why he always slept well when staying here.

"I think now I'm really sure that I like you," Khaotung murmured while smiling so sweetly that he looked drunk with love.

If it's like this, then Khaotung is gay. Welcome Khaotung.

After that, Khaotung then got up from his bed and went out of the room to wash his face.
It was then that First opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief while turning over on his stomach, he could feel Khaotung's scrutinizing gaze even though he had his eyes closed.

"Does he do weird things like this to View too?" He asked, his voice muffled by the pillow.


First went back to sleep earlier, so he woke up a little early and didn't find Khaotung back in the room, so he searched the room for his friend and found him struggling with kitchen utensils that First rarely used.

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