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Can the two remain friends after this?
The thing that View feared had happened, and First couldn't deal with that fact.
Fear and nervousness still ruled First's body and mind, he was proud of the advice Jun used, but s
he didn't give himself the courage to hear Khaotung's response.
Staying away and hiding had been hiz forte all along, and shutting himself in hi apartment was First's last resort as he tried to come to terms with all the possible things that could happen to his relationship with Khaotung now.
First would prepare himself for the worst, like Khaotung not wanting to be friends with him anymore.

"I did well, I did well."

That sentence became his tranquilizer in case First felt regret later on.
At 9pm, it was too early for First to go to bed in this state of turmoil, but he had exhausted all his energy at Jun's club, so he went to dreamland with the hope that Khaotung would still welcome him.
The second day of Khaotung staying in the same apartment and even in the same bed with View, the girl woke up early to prepare breakfast for the two of them. Today both of them had afternoon classes, but View wanted to spend the time before leaving for college with Khaotung on the bed while watching a movie.
Khaotung didn't actually sleep, he just closed his eyes all night with the thought of a movie.

Khaotung didn't actually sleep, he just closed his eyes all night with his mind on First and his confession.

It was a great shock to him, that all this time First had been harboring feelings for him, hidden in such a way that even Khaotung didn't realize it.
Khaotung obviously had no such feelings for First, he purely wanted to be friends with First even though he knew he was gay. But if it was like this, he thought there was no reason to stay friends with First.

"Honey, would you like some hot tea or coffee?". Khaotung turned his head to View who appeared in the doorway of their room, with a smile Khaotung asked View to make him coffee instead.

"I'll help you later," Khaotung continued, to which View thanked him.

Khaotung was very happy with his relationship with View, not a single day he felt tired or bored after entering this apartment. Outside he might look so focused on First and other things, but when he was here he was fully focused on View and just wanted to be with her.
First's honesty last night didn't change anything, which was why Khaotung thought that he and First could no longer be together. Moreover, what View feared was true that there was a time when gay friends would like their male friends who clearly liked the opposite sex.

"Tonight, want to go on a date?"

View, who was making breakfast, looked surprised by Khaotung's invitation, it seemed like it had been a long time since Khaotung asked her out because he was too busy dating in the apartment.

"It's okay, I have to dress up prettier, right?"

"If that's what you want, then I have to keep up."

The two then laughed, enjoying their morning time together intimately.
Khaotung really seemed to love View and vice versa, the two were a perfect match because they liked each other from the start. Communication was also very good, so it was rare for the two to get into unimportant arguments.

"Ah, I forgot to ask about First. Was s
he okay yesterday?"

"Um, he was fine. Just woke up late, so I cursed him for a while." There was an uncomfortable feeling when Khaotung had to talk about First.



"Should I not see First too often?"

View looked surprised again, just yesterday Khaotung left her on campus because First was the one s
he was worried about, and now all of a sudden Khaotung was saying that she was going to stay away from First?

Should I Call It Love?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora