Chapter Nineteen

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The sisters and Cole rode to the studio with Gale and Dewey

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The sisters and Cole rode to the studio with Gale and Dewey. As soon as they get out of the car Dewey points out one of the places from the photos.

"That stairwell over there, that's where one of the pictures was taken."

"I can't believe she never mentioned any of this," Sid said.

Sarah laughed, "I can. We learned after her death that she didn't tell us shit. What we know about our mother we found out from Gale's book or the town gossip. The fact that Dad flat out refuses or dodges every attempt to talk about her has not helped things."

Dewey shrugged, "She probably just-"

He gets cut off by someone opening the door behind them yelling, "DEWEY!"

Dewey jumps "Ahh!"

The group spins around to see Martha Meeks, Randy's younger sister standing there. Security and the police run up with, "Hey, hold it right there!"

Martha holds up her hands, "Don't shoot. I'm only 17."

Dewey turns to the cops, "It's okay we know her."

Sarah jumps forward and hugs her, "Its good to see you Martha."

Martha smiled, "We miss you in Woodsboro, guys."

"Martha, what are you doing here?" Sid asked.

She holds up a tape, "There's something you guys should see."

They follow her into the trailer where she puts the tape in.

Randy pops up on screen, "Told you I'd make a movie someday. Huh?"

The group stares at the tv shocked, "Oh my God."

Randy continues, "If you're watching this tape, it means, as I feared, I did not survive these killings here at Windsor College, and that giving up my virginity to Karen Kolchak at the video store was probably not a good idea.

Cole makes a face, "Karen Kolchak?"

"Yes, Karen Kolchak."

"'Creepy Karen'?" Dewey asked.

"Shut up! She's a sweet person okay? We were working late. We were putting away some videos in the porno section, and, you know, shit happens. (KNOCKING ON DOOR)

"Open the door Randy!"

Randy sighs, "Fifteen minutes."

"It's my room too!"
Randy looks towards the door, "Paul, fifteen minutes. I'm leaving my legacy." (KNOCKING CONTINUES)

Randy jumps up and runs to the door, "Fifteen minutes Paul! Damn!"
He sits back down, "Anyway the reason I'm here is to help you so that my death will not be in vain. That my life's work will help save some other poor soul from getting mutilated. If this killer does come back, and he's for real, there are a few things you gotta remember."

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