Chapter Three

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      When Sarah came to the first thing she saw were the fluorescent lights above her

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When Sarah came to the first thing she saw were the fluorescent lights above her. She looked around and saw Dewey, Tatum, and Sidney sitting at the end of her bed talking quietly. She cleared her throat to get their attention, it came out more like a squeak with how dry her mouth was.

Sidney looked over and jumped up, "Hey it's okay. You're okay, the doctors stitched up your arm and gave you something to rest."

"Water please."

Tatum poured some into a little glass for her and helped her drink it.

"How's Cole?"

Dewey shared a look with the girls, "He's in ICU. They had to do surgery to repair his stomach and stop the bleeding. The doctors say he's going to be okay."

Sarah released a sigh of relief when she heard this. She was so grateful that he was going to be okay. She didn't know what she would do if he hadn't survived.

"When can I go home?" She asked.

"Dewey talked to the doctors and they are going to release you into police care, only if you follow strict instructions to take it easy."

She nodded and Dewey said, "I'll go talk to the doctor and get your release started."

"So what happened after the killer knocked me out?"

Sidney looked down at her hands, "He cut the phone lines so we couldn't call for help. I used the computer to get in contact with 911." She paused, "Billy climbed through my window right after the killer disappeared. A cell phone fell out of his pocket at he hugged me, Sar I think he's involved."

Sarah just sat there absorbing the information that Sidney just told her. There was no way that it could be Billy, is there?

          She just sighed, "Did anything else happen while I was out?"

           Tatum grinned, "Ooh, when we stopped by the station so Sid could give her statement Gale Weathers was outside waiting on us to leave. Sid ended up punching her. Isn't that great?!"

          Sarah raised an eyebrow at Sidney who just shrugged. Before she could say anything else Dewey came back into  the room, "The doctor is going to come in and give you one last evaluation before he will release you. He wants to make sure your in good enough condition to be released."

Before she could say anything the doctor walked in, "Miss Prescott its good to see you awake. How are you feeling?"

"My head feels a little fuzzy but other than that I'm fine. I don't feel any pain or anything."

He pulled out a light and shined it in her eyes, "The fuzziness is normal when you have a concussion. We have you on pain killers so you shouldn't be feeling any pain or discomfort.," he put the light away and looked at her shoulder, "You'll need to change the bandages twice a day to help ward off infection. I'm going to prescribe you pain medication to take ONLY when needed. I want you to take it easy especially for the next couple of days. I'm going to excuse you from school tomorrow and give you the weekend to recover."

"So you are going to release me?" she asked.

"Yes, but at the first sign of nausea or discomfort I want you to come straight here."

She nodded and the doctor asked, "Mr. Riley can I see you outside?" he turns to Sarah, "Take it easy Miss Prescott. I don't want to see you back here anytime soon."

She sighed as he finally left; she looked at Sidney, "Did you bring me a change of clothes?"

"Yeah Dewey let me grab the bags we had packed before we left the house. Do you need me to help you change?"

Sarah went to push herself out of the bed but stopped short when a wave of dizziness stopped her, "Yeah," she answered.

Tatum stood, "I'll go guard the door while you help her change."

Both girls muttered their thanks.

It took a good ten minutes for her to get changed, the dizziness was overwhelming. Sarah released a sigh as she sat back down on the bed. There was a knock on the door, "You decent?" Dewey's voice called.


He opened the door and pushed a wheelchair inside, "I figured this would be easier to get you to the car with, you know with your concussion and all."

She sent what she hoped was a grateful smile his way, "Thanks Dewey."

As he helped her into the chair she asked, "Can we stop by and see Cole before we go?"

Dewey shared a look with Sidney, "Um maybe you should wait until he's released from the hospital. His mom isn't very happy about the situation."

She felt her heart sink to her stomach, Mrs. Thomas couldn't possibly be blaming her could she? She had no way of knowing what was going to happen? It wasn't her fault right?

She felt the tear run down her face, "She blames me."

Sidney crouched down in front of her, "What happened is not your fault, okay? She knows that, but it would be in everyone's best interest if you waited okay? Just until your healed up and he's out of the woods."

She nodded, "Dewey can you at least pass on the message that I love him, please?"

"Of course."

Sarah nodded, "Lets go then."

  She sat silent the entire way to the Riley's house. Dewey had explained to her that since she didn't have school tomorrow the sheriff agreed to let her come in and give her statement then. When they pulled up at the house Dewey helped her get inside before running back out to get the girls bags. Mrs. Riley gave both her and Sidney a hug before telling them where they would be staying.

"Sidney I figured you could stay in with Tatum and Sarah I got the gest bedroom all set up for you. Would that be okay with you two?"

"Yes ma'am," both she and Sidney answered.

  As she led them up the stairs she asked, "Is anyone hungry I saved you all a plate?"

  Sidney, Tatum, and Dewey all told her yes but Sarah couldn't bring herself to eat. She knew she needed to but she was tired and too worried about Cole to think about eating.

"That's okay Mrs. Riley. I think I'm just going to go upstairs and get some rest."

Once she made It to the guest room she closed the door and got ready for bed as soon as her head hit the pillow she was asleep. She wasn't asleep for long before Sidney came bursting into

"What is it?" Sarah asked.

"The killer just called, it wasn't Billy," she sobbed.

Sarah froze, "What? If its not Billy then who is it?"

Sidney went on to tell her about thinking maybe it was their dad since no one had been able to contact him; how he wasn't registered at the hotel he said he would. No one knew where he was so when Mrs. Riley had told her she had a call of course she assumed it was their dad.

As Sidney talked all Sarah could think was 'who would want to kill us? why would anyone want to kill us?"

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