"You okay?" Amy asked.

"Yeah I'm good, I don't regret it, I was ready"

"That's so good, this is so exciting" she said,

"It's not that exciting and I don't want to talk about this anymore" I said, I felt myself go red.

"Aw look at you getting embarrassed, I've never seen you get embarrassed about sex" Amy said,

"I'm not embarrassed, it's just different, it means a lot more"

"Aww" I heard Aria say.

"I understand. Are you excited to go back to your house see your family?" Amy asked,

"Yeah, I'm really excited, a bit nervous"

"Let me know how it goes and call me when you're with your grandmother, I want to see if she remembers me" Amy said.

"I will" I said, I then hung up soon after. I then left the room to find Caitlin and Liv, who were no doubt talking about me.

                                                                                                           ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤
                                                                                           The next day

Livs Dad dropped to Calais where the house was. It wasn't too far a journey. I was going to spend the next week or so with them until school started.

I knocked on the door. My aunt opened she immediately smiled. She gave me a massive hug.

"Lucas" she said giving me a hug. "I'm so glad you're here"

I went inside the house. I then saw an elderly lady sitting round the table. It was really her.

"Oh, Lucas, c'est toi ?" She said in excitement "You're so tall."
                      (It's you)
I gave her a hug, I'd missed her so much, the house was exactly as I remembered it. It still smelt like Vanilla.

"You look so much like your mother, you've grown up so much"

"Come, sit, tell me about everything, your friends, what's happened over the years" she said sitting down on the sofa. It was a long story,

"How have things been?" She asked.

"They've been okay." I said,

"Your dad, you aunt told me he would hit you?" Wow, she went straight there.

"Yeah - he'd beat me a lot, and said horrible stuff"

"I'm so sorry my dear, you sound so different, what happened after your mother's funeral?

"He stopped speaking to me, he wouldn't let me talk to you guys. He told me that I wasn't coming back her during the summer. I was really confused, he eventually stopped letting me speak to him in French, it had to be in English. I had a really strong accent which he didn't like so he made me change the way I spoke. That's why I sound different"

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