Chapter 97

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The next morning my legs were sore. Like I'd just worked out. I got up and brushed my teeth and went to the kitchen, my mom had made breakfast. I got a plate and went into the dining area.

"Morning" I said sitting next to Caitlin.


"Did you enjoy your birthday"

"Yes I did" I couldn't help but smile. My Dad got me a new phone.

"Lucas was so sweet yesterday"

"He was" I said,

"Wait you said he was getting another present, what was it?"

"Well"I said, I looked around, my mom was still in the kitchen,

"Wait did you?" I nodded. She then screamed.

"Oh my gosh shut up" I said.

"You had sex!?" She whispered loudly

"Yeah and be quiet"

"Oh my gosh, wait how was it?" She said quieter.

"So good"

"No wonder you were limping.You need to tell me everything"

"Yeah but not here"

"Let's go to my room"

"What about my breakfast?"

"Bring it with you" she grabbed my plate and dragged me to her room.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you actually had sex, how did it happen?"


I'd just gotten dressed when I got a call from Amy.

"Congratulations" she said excitedly.

"For what?"

"Finally having sex with Liv" she then cheered.

"How the hell do you know about that?" I hadn't even had breakfast and it's gone around that Liv and I had sex already.

"Aria told me"

"How did she find out?"

"From Caitlin" Aria said, showing her face.

"Damn, I literally just woke up and people know all ready"

"Yeah sorry, but how was it?" She asked,

"It was good, I think she enjoyed it"

"Oh trust me she did" Aria said popping her head in frame and I smiled.

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