Prom- Ponyboy

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I am going to write a Prom chapter for each of the greasers


You finished putting on your mascara and excitedly went downstairs to wait for Ponyboy. He had asked you to Prom a few weeks ago, and you have had a huge crush on him since freshman year. Your dress made you look like a goddess, according to your kid sister. 

" Oh, Y/N! You look great! " Your cousin Marley said. He pushed his shaggy hair out of his eyes and grabbed a football. " Thanks, Mar' " You said, giving him a hug. He was staying with you guys for a few days while his parents were out of town.

" I'm going out to play football with the Shepherds! " Marley yelled, slamming the door behind him. Your parents weren't home, so you paced by the front door, waiting for Pony.

You heard a knock and opened the door. Ponyboy stood there in a suit that matched your dress. " You look beautiful " He gasped, taking your hand. You grinned. " Thanks, you look very handsome. " You said. You walked out to his car with him.

He turned on the radio as he drove you guys to where prom was behind held.

Hey, where did we go?
Days when the rains came
Down in the hollow
Playin' a new game
Laughin' and a-runnin', hey, hey
Skippin' and a-jumpin'
In the misty morning fog with
Our, our hearts a-thumping and you
My brown-eyed girl
And you, my brown-eyed girl

Ponyboy looked at you  and grinned. " I always think of you when I hear this song. " He said. You smiled, sure your face was red from blushing. " Yeah? This is my favorite song, too. " You replied. You guys had come up on a red light. He started to say something, but the light turned green. Thankfully, traffic was pretty heavy, so he was able to tell you.

" Look, Y/N.. I've liked you for a while now.. " He said, holding your hand. Your eyes went wide. You began to smile like an idiot. You slid over to the middle seat and sat right next to him.

" I have too.. ever since freshman year. " You said, leaning your head on his shoulder. Due to a three car collision, you both had just parked the car in the road along with everyone else and sat there. He put his arms around you, and you could hear him humming along to the radio.

After what seemed like forever, they got the wreck under control and you were able to get to the detour. You guys pulled up at the high school. The dance had started a while ago, and you guys were pretty late.

Brown eyed girl was playing again, and you and Ponyboy danced along to it. He looked at you the entire time. You gazed into his green eyes and he leaned down to kiss you. Suddenly, you heard loud cheering and clapping. All of Ponyboy's friends were surrounding you both, whooping and cheering like animals. 

" Finally got the girl! "

" Yeah, Ponyyyy! "



You giggled and went to go get a drink as all the boys had pretty much drowned him in slaps on the back and high fives. Most of them didn't even go here, how did they get into the prom?  Ponyboy had given you his letterman jacket, and you put it on, your arms not in the sleeves. Cherry Valance had approached you. " Y/N. " She muttered. " Cherry Vagina, always a pleasure. " You snapped back. She looked at you and slapped your face. Pony had made his way over there and began to yell at her. You snickered and flipped her off.

Prom was over, but you sure had fun. 

Ponyboy drove you home, and you tried to open the door, but it was locked. " Shit, Marley has my key. " You muttered.

" You can come to my place then. " He offered. You nodded and you both drove to his house.

Pony's older brother Darrel had gotten home after Ponyboy was asleep, but you were up playing Poker with Johnny.

" Hi, Y/N. Was prom fun? " He asked, sitting down in the armchair. You nodded. " Yeah, but what's more fun is that I'm kicking Johnny's ass at poker! " You giggled, putting down a Royal Flush. ( a straight flush including ace, king, queen, jack, and ten all in the same suit, which is the hand of the highest possible value when wild cards are not in use. )

Johnny groaned and you snickered. " Finally found a match, Johnny. " Darrel laughed. You stood up. " Good game, Johnny. I'm going to bed. " You said. Ponyboy had given you a hoodie of his and some of his sweat pants. You laid down next to him, and he must have woken up. He put an arm around you, and you laid your head on his chest.

" Sweet dreams, Y/N " He whispered.

You grinned and drifted off to sleep...

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