He wasn't such a bad guy after all. I could tell he cared for Lorna, which irked me, but I didn't blame him. If we ever broke up, I know he'd be there in a heartbeat, trying to win her back – so how could I - when it's exactly what I'd do as well.

At the end of the day, she was mine, or at least I hoped she still would be after I groveled and apologised for acting like a maniac. I know I scared her unintentionally, but my possessiveness took over. I only wanted her to have eyes for me, and Nick clarified that she did, to my relief. I thanked him for explaining everything. We might never be friends, but I figured we could get along, as long as he didn't pursue Lorna again.

After Nick left, I tried calling Lorna, but her phone was off. I rang her home phone, and her dad answered, informing me she went to stay with her nana for the night as her nana had been unwell. He said she'd be home tomorrow.

I ate my dinner and then went up and had a shower, I tried calling her again but her phone was still off, I left a voice note, telling her how sorry I was, that Nick explained everything to me, I told her I didn't deserve her, but to please give me another chance.

I hoped that once she switched her it back on, she'd get my message and call me back, but I had got nothing, so I didn't sleep at all,  I tossed and turned all night, even waking up a few times to see if her phone was back on and checking to see if she had been online, but she hadn't .

So now I'm currently being shook by Lance to wake me up and start training as I have a fight tonight. I check my phone and theres noting there from Lorna. My heart sinks, " still nothing from her? Lance asks.

I shake my head, putting the phone to my ear as I dial her number again. Nothing!!

"It's still off," I sigh.

"Maybe she's lost her phone?" Lance suggests.

"No, she went to her Nana's," I reply. "Her phone hasn't been on since 6:30 yesterday evening."

"Well then maybe she forgot her charger," he comments. "Or maybe she's given up on me after I ignored all her pleas and messages. I don't blame her."

"I don't think she's like that, bro," Lance says adamantly. "You should know that."

"Yeah, I know. I just wish I could talk to her before my fight. I'm not even sure if she's going to come to it now," I groan.

"She will be; have some faith in her, okay?" Lance says, throwing me my shorts and T-shirt. "Now, come on, get up, and let's get training. I'll wait for you downstairs; I have your shake ready to drink in the car. Dad said he'll meet us at the arena."

"Ugh, fine," I moan, throwing my legs over the bed. "I'll be down in five."

Once ready, I met Lance downstairs. He handed me my protein shake and gave me a granola bar. I will train for at least an hour, then eat, and back to training before resting and preparing for my fight.

We drive straight to the arena, where I trained and sparred with dad and Lance. The fight wasn't the main event, just a friendly one, but there were many agents here to watch me. Dad kept telling me to concentrate as we sparred, but my mind kept wandering.

At lunch, I checked my phone and saw that Lorna's phone was switched back on; she had seen my messages but hadn't replied.

It played with my head, and Dad, as much as he loved Lorna, told me to snap out of it. He said we could sort out whatever argument we had after the fight and advised me to channel any anger and frustration into the fight.

So I did. I tried to put it in the back of my mind, and my training improved.

It was now 5:00 pm, another two hours, and I'd be fighting. I sat in my private locker room. Connor and Austin stopped by to wish me good luck, and Dad swung by with some food. He told me to try to get some rest after, that I needed to relax before the fight.

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