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I clasp my hands together, and close my eyes.

I do something I haven't done in years: I pray

I ask that my mind stop collecting thoughts of you, stop storing memories of your laugh, your smile, your voice, I ask that I no longer yearn for your arms circling my waist and tucking me into your warmth.

I ask for days where I don't think of the what ifs, and could have been if we were something more, I ask for these feelings to dissipate, to quit lingering as if you'd fall into my life

I thought it was worth it, waiting for you.

Turns out I wasn't waiting, I was frozen, watching from the sidelines as you enjoyed your life

While I had nothing to show

I lost all of me looking at you, hoping you'd look at me too

So I'm deleting my code, and starting from scratch

You're still worth it, I know

But I'm worth more

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