Reconnecting To Myself

70 11 21

Right now,
I am lying on the bed
Trying to feel every sensation
So it will allow me to be free

I have lived in my head for a while
I will try to live in my heart this time
I guess, it's too late

Even if I try to feel, I just feel strange
Perhaps I am paying to be numb for a longer time

Lifting my hand, trying to feel something
I want to feel every sensation as it sets me free
Finally, realizing how much it takes to live

Gazing at my hand makes me feel strange
It's weird, it doesn't feel real
It's blank, I feel lost

Even looking at the mirror makes me feel strange
I see someone who is not me,
A stranger who is trying to be me

Someone inside me is screaming
To be recognized, to be seen
I guess, I have ignored myself to an extent
Where getting back seems nonsensical

I think this poem perfectly captures the desire to reconnect with yourself and healing
What do you think?

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