Chapter 30

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Cullayne POV

'I miss you too baby.'

I smiled as I read Kemar's response to my text telling him how much I missed him. I wish he was here instead of being on his way to make a house call for a pregnant patient of his who had suddenly started to experience some frightening signs in her first trimester.

I was trying my best to remain the best hostess for the gathering of seven. I smiled and participated in the conversations, responding with the right amount of joviality and keeping my cool when my composure was wearing thin.

The sight of my ex-best friend and my very much ex-fiancé seated across from me looking all contented and very much satisfied with what they had done had me holding on for dear life to the last shred of tolerance that I could muster.

We were seated around the dining table with Bishop Winfred Riley and his wife Deaconess Delora Tugendia-Riley, a young reformed ex-convict whom the Rileys had brought to share his story with the aid of his self-published book that he would be gifting to the youths and young people who attend the convention and two females.

The two females were here with Taylon and were no strangers to me. They were superb praise and worship leaders and the oldest of the two was a verse sign language broadcaster.

I was now focused on the youngest of the two women her blonde hair streaked with bright pink highlights and a thick cross tattooed at the corner of her left ear. Myla was looking at Malika with open amusement as she was all over Taylon preening with the importance of a kept woman.

I felt more out of it about the two of them than I did about the weight of what Seana has caused for the church and my mother's reputation and the pending effect that it might have on the convention.

I was tempted to turn to her and tell her that I was no threat to her and her marriage than the boneless fish that she was shelling apart for the suddenly incompetent Taylon. Did she even realize how foolish she appeared?

"I must say I am quite taken in with the programming. You have put in place a variety of
entertainment that all ages can satisfactorily appreciate," I heard Bishop Riley say drawing my attention to him and the programme that was beside his empty plate.

I smiled at him as his wife and the others agreed openly adding their compliment. I was about to express my thanks when I heard Taylon said.

"One thing Bishop Riley Cullayne is highly functional. She has a great talent; her Reader ability thus making her capable of putting in place the right materials to allow for conventional affairs."

When he was through speaking he looked around the table before laying his gaze on me. I had to stifle the urge to hiss my teeth and cut my eyes at him.

By highly functional he meant I had been gullible enough to allow him to use me and would have continued doing so for his benefit if I had remained foolish enough to stick around and ignored his affair.

Cillinah who was one of the persons I had worked with when I had been in Canada on various church events spoke up just as Malika opened her mouth to offer some comment as it was clear she did not appreciate Taylon praising me.

I was taken aback at the drastic change in the woman I was considered my friend.

"It's a pity we have lost her no one I assure you will ever be able to replace her or provide for the church the way she has."

The dark-skinned woman with the bellowing afro was sincere in her words just as she was making her feelings known. It was great to know that I had her support and whatever has occurred she was not to be hypocritical.

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