CHAPTER - 9 Joe & Graf

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Joe was surprised to see Graf standing in front of his camera. Graf looked at Joe's face, making Joe realize that Graf's eyes were a little red.

- What is it, Graf! What happened? Joe immediately asked impatiently.

-Can I come in? Graf asked quietly. Joe immediately gave him ground.

-Come in, Joe said, Graf went straight into Joe's room, but stopping in the middle because he didn't know where to sit.

-Uh... You can sit at the end of the bed. I haven't cleaned the room yet. Joe immediately put his clothes and scattered belongings in one place in the room. Graf turned to look at Joe and then sat quietly at the foot of the bed, making Joe take notice.

- What's going on, Graf? Joe asked again looking at Graf.

-How long have you known? Graf asked quietly.

-What to know? Joe asked, not knowing what Graf was talking about.

-I asked you how long you knew about Kan and Beam!! Tell me everything right now, Joe, Graf stood up to shake Joe's neck from side to side in frustration and deep disgust. Joe was a little surprised to hear this.

-Now you know...? Joe asked again.

-Yes I know! Graf said again, freeing her hand from Joe's collar to walk back to the end of the bed and stand up.

-How did you know? Joe asked again.

-Anyway I know, you told me you've known for a long time,

how did you know Graf asked reluctantly. Joe sighed heavily and spoke honestly, because Graf already knew everything.

- Did you know that, in front of my house, is Audi's house? asked Joe.

- I know, said Graf. He knew but had never thought about it because he only saw Joe when they had fought in the past. So he never wanted to enter his house.

-Um... I saw Phi Kan

bringing Beam there many times. So I asked him directly. He told me he had a relationship with Beam, Joe said. Graf was silent for a moment.

- Is that why you told me I'm a red ant? Graf asked.

-Um... I just said it because

I wanted to be closer to you. Not for anything else… Joe said immediately because he didn't want Graf to get mad at him.

-Hmm, I thought you would feel sorry for me, said Graf in a tone

-I never thought about that, Joe answered immediately. Graf raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he were making fun of himself, then stood up. Both eyebrows furrowed. Joe noticed Graf's tension.

-What's going on Craf? Joe asked before going to sit next to Graf.

-Why would you care? Graf asked one

slightly sarcastic tone.

-I'm always worried about you. But it's up to you to see or not, that's all, Joe said in a calm voice. Graf turned to look at Joe. They both looked at each other until Graf sighed.

- I had a fight with Kan before I came to see you. I punched him. He's talking to dad right now because my parents already know everything, Graf said in a strained voice.

-Why did you hit Phi Kan? asked Joe, his face slightly still.

-Why can't I do it? He knew I liked Beam and still came to steal it like this. Are you going to make fun of me? Graf asked, but winced at Joe's pained expression. Graf forgot what Joe thought of him. The way Graf said it would make Joe regret it more.

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