Chapter Twenty four

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"Excuse me," I say, standing from the ground and walking to the door, "I just remembered that Aragorn asked for me to join him in his study for lunch." This was a lie, of course, but if I wanted Eilonwy to have a dress, I would have to find a seamstress as quickly as possible.

Eilonwy looks at me, disappointment swimming in her eyes, but I smile reassuringly at her. "I will come and find you later. Until then, please keep Estrith company."

"Of course," she replies, giving me a soft smile.

My gaze moves to Estrith to see her grinning at me knowingly. When Eilonwy looks away, I wink at the girl, causing her grin to widen, and I place my finger on my lips to show her that I want what I am doing to be a secret. She nods indiscreetly. "Farewell, Legolas. I will take great care of Lady Eilonwy."

I chuckle at her statement and leave the room, shutting the door behind me softly. I immediately make my way to the large sitting room where Eilonwy first met everyone upon our arrival in Lothlorien. Everyone will either be in there or in the ballroom assisting in decorating for the feast tomorrow. I stride down the familiar hallways quickly, thinking of who to ask for assistance in my plan. Glosseth will undoubtedly be over dramatic if I ask her, resulting in countless hours of teasing and girly shrieks of happiness. I really do not wish to deal with that right this moment, but who else can I ask? I refuse to ask for my mother's help, for she can be just as horrible as Glosseth sometimes.

I open the door to the sitting room and am surprised to see Arwen sitting in one of the red fabric covered armchairs watching Sylmae as she reads aloud to Roshi from a leather bound book. Her ink black hair falls in soft waves down her shoulders and back, and she holds a baby in her arms delicately. She wears a gown of soft gray that sweeps to the floor in a curtain of silk.

Arwen looks up when I enter the room and smiles welcomingly. "Legolas," she says quietly, "It is so wonderful to see you, mellon nin. Please, take a seat."

I am surprised to see her. I was not expecting her to be here, but I take a seat in the armchair beside her nonetheless. "Arwen, I have not seen you in so long," I say with a smile, happy to see one of my greatest friends.

My gaze travels to the small babe in her arms wrapped in a blue blanket. Noticing

that my attention has been diverted from her, Arwen laughs. "Enchanting, is he not?" she asks softly as she looks down at her newborn fondly, lovingly, "Would you like to hold him?"

I look up at her in alarm, my eyes wide at the thought. I have never been good with small babies. He is so small, so fragile, that I am afraid I might hurt him unintentionally. Arwen only laughs lightly again, holding him out for me to take. I reach out, taking him from her arms carefully, making sure to do so slowly so as to not wake him. Once I am clutching him securely in my arms, I appraise him in thought. His slightly chubby cheeks are rosy, and his eyes are shut tightly in sleep, his dark eyelashes a striking contrast to his fair skin. He has a tuft of black, soft hair upon his head that I find utterly adorable, and his tiny fingers clutch the blanket around him tightly. His lips are small and pink, puckered slightly as he dreams.

"He is absolutely beautiful," I breathe, looking up at Arwen.

Her gaze is rested softly on me, a small smile pulling at her lips. "I thought you would become attached to him. You have always been wonderful with children," she says, her gaze travelling to Sylmae and Roshi for a moment. Sylmae has long, very curly chestnut hair and gray eyes, and Roshi has long, wavy ebony hair, and bright blue eyes, resembling her mother more than her sisters do. Sylmae is the oldest at nine years old, Roshi is seven, and Estrith is six. Sylmae is quiet and thoughtful like her father, yet Roshi and Estrith are spritely children who have no problem showing their disapproval upon certain things. Sylmae and Roshi seem to like Gwilithon better than they do me, yet Estrith and I have a strong bond. All in all, they are wonderful, beautiful children.

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