Big Mama nodded, silently finishing off her salad.


They returned to the Nexus, which had still been under repair from the Draxum attack just a week ago. Big Mama was glad her bellhops worked quickly, as they were already nearing being finished. She decided that she wasn't reopening the Nexus until she got Donnie back and in stable, healthy condition, and until she can ensure she has a much stronger and much higher security under the possibility of anything trying to take him or the others again.

They walked into the long patterned corridor, filing into their respective rooms without so much as a peep or even a grumble from any of them.
Normally, Big Mama was one to just brush it off if someone was being abnormally quiet, thinking nothing of it. She guesses some things can change, though.

Big Mama felt her heart ache, a sudden dread washing over her as she sat on her bed in the dimly lit room. She didn't like this feeling. It made her feel horrible. Guilty, even. Oh what is she saying of course she feels guilty! I just severed all bonds or trust I possibly had with them. . . She thought sorrowfully. And I quite possibly have severed all bonds I had with Purpley-boo, too. And now— Now I am back to nothing. . Wincing at the thought, she pushed it aside to be dealt with later. She couldn't wallow in her shame for long, she has work to do; a child to save and others to care for and protect.

A small creek was heard at the front of the room, a subtle shuffle shortly after. The bedroom door opened, light pouring in wherever it could reach.

Big Mama lifted her head, blinking in confusion at who could possibly be here at this time. Usually her bellhops knocked, and her other staff members never usually bothered her—

"Big Mama. . ?" A familiar voice spoke; it was Leo.

She snapped out of her train of thought and shook her head. "Erm— Yes, Leonardo?"
The slider was standing in the doorway, which was illuminated by an almost blinding light from the outer hall (perhaps she should change that, she distantly thought). He rubbed his arm, looking down towards the ground with a seemingly embarrassed- no. Was it a shameful look?
Big Mama scooted aside, patting her bed as an invitation for him to sit. Surely something was wrong, and moreso than just being upset with her from the buffet conversation.
He quietly obliged, sitting beside her as he continued rubbing his arm and staring at the ground.

Big Mama didn't ask, as she didn't want to push the child. He would talk when he was ready. She just sat there, waiting for when he was ready to tell her what was wrong.
The two sat in silence for a while, before Big Mama finally went to break it with her own thing to say. Might as well apologize now, while she still had the chance.
She turned to him finally, opening her mouth to speak. "Leonardo I—" The slider suddenly enveloped her in a tight hug, trembling lightly as she sat in shock, trying to process what was happening.
"I- I'm sorry. . For yelling earlier—" The young terrapin spoke, continuing the practically bone crushing hug.
Big Mama slowly wrapped her arms around his shell, gently returning the gesture. "It's alright, little Leonardo. . You were understandably angry. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have suggested such an idea so soon—"
"No, it was a kind offer. But I'm just not sure how well up to the task Dee would be willing to be—or can be—when we get him back." Leo responded, sighing and breaking the hug as he let out a small sniffle.

"You're right there, young one." She smiled, though it quickly faded into a solemn sigh.
Leo nodded, looking away for a second as he tried to think of something else to say. ". . Can I sleep with you tonight—? I'm pretty sure Mikey and Raph are gonna be with Dad in his room." The young slider asked slowly, it was a quieter tone than before. It seemed more hesitant, maybe even downright reluctant.
"Sure, Leonardo. I absolutely don't mind." She smiled kindly, nodding.
"Thanks, Big M. Can I call you Big M?" He grinned, attempting to lighten up the mood with whatever humour he could muster up.

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