Arc ll: Resurrection (Chapter 9)

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Leonardo clutched his swords tightly, swinging his odachi in desperate attempts at creating a portal to his kidnapped brother. Unfortunately for him, though, he was too emotional, and it tampered with the sword's mystic ability.

The odachi flickered, the runes glowing their signature electric blue for only a few seconds before returning back to normal. That didn't stop him from continuing, though. Donnie needed him, it was technically his fault Donnie was gone. If he would have just been stronger, would have been faster, this would have never happened. Donnie wouldn't have been taken, he wouldn't have been hurt. If he had even just been a better brother, Donnie wouldn't have even left them and the lair.

He broke out into angry tears, trying again and again to create something. Why now? Why was his sword malfunctioning now that he really needed it? Sure, earlier he also needed it when they had to escape, but what if he accidentally sent them somewhere even more dangerous than here?! He still wasn't confident in himself to be able to direct the portals to the right place. There could have been a chance he accidentally even teleported them all straight to his lab! It wasn't worth the risk then, but now? Now it was worth everything. So long as his brother could come home safe and protected.
He swung the sword violently downward, making yet another sharp slashing motion. The sword flickered and crackled for a few seconds, before returning to its original state once more.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and flinched, relaxing slowly at the realization that it was Raph. His rock, everyone's rock. The branch that held the tree together, his big brother Raphie. . . He looked up at the older sibling, eyes flooding over with wet, hot tears. His hands trembled, clutching the sword hilt to the point that the weapon shook lightly.

Raph looked back at him with his ever so kind eyes, giving him a gentle smile as his snaggletooth poked his chin slightly. Even though you could tell he was only trying to hold it together for them, it was still comforting, and worrying, that he was so selfless and ready to help. Especially with all of his brother's needs. Leo could easily see past his mask, his eyes were especially reflective at that moment. He's holding back his own tears. . . The slider thought, a pang of guilt and sympathy hitting him.

"Leo. . . I know you're angry, but we can't just rush into battle again. If he has Donnie hostage he's just gonna use 'im against us." Raph said softly.
"But- we need- we need to help—" The slider choked out, then broke into more violent sobs as his older sibling pulled him into a tight, firm hug. That only made him cry more, making him feel gross and pathetic. He shouldn't be crying, he didn't deserve to cry. Not if he could have prevented this all from happening.
"Go on Leo, let it out. . 't's alright." The older cooed, patting his back in a rhythmic pattern. His tail curled securely around the both of them, gently guiding him to sit on the floor so he didn't fall over or hurt himself with the sword.
The slider eventually gave in, finally, and dropped the odachi, hugging the snapper tightly.

Mikey felt tears of his own stream from his face as he sat at a far end of the Nexus arena, clutching a piece of scrap from the immediate older turtle's mask and hiccupping. He lifted his head, spotting the destroyed bō staff on the arena floor nearby where Draxum and him had last been and tensing. He crawled over quickly, picking it up and hugging it tight. Donnie. . . Please be okay The young box turtle thought, his hold on the precious tech only growing tighter despite the sharp edges and shredded wires jabbing into his skin from how broken and shattered it was.

Big Mama walked over, sitting beside the box turtle and hesitantly resting her hand on his back. She didn't feel him tense, but didn't feel him relax, either. She wasn't sure if that was a good or bad sign, so she carefully proceeded. It was the least she could do right now, having been unable to save her son—his brother, no less. She slowly rubbed his back in a circular motion, attempting to comfort the smaller turtle in her human form since it was easier.

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