Chapter 1 The day of infamy

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Warning cannon divergence. Gore, intense combat descriptions, deaths and cussing. Your Favorite characters may be critically injured or die. Warning is now so I don't get hate comments. Although I will probably get some anyway.
Name: speaking
(Author note)
———Timeskip or change


Zuikaku: My seniors what is my task?

Akagi: Your task is to provide support for kaga if grey ghost shows up. We are attacking at a time when grey ghost should be at mainland repairing. However she is very reckless and selfless so it is Likely she will show up.

Zuikaku: not to be rude senpai but what is your role if only Kaga is attacking.

Akagi: fufufu~ I'm going to be monologging. I have been practicing this speech for a month.

Zuikaku: Oh.....Alright senpai.


Sakuran Radio sender: This is ayanami reporting in.

Sakuran radio receiver: This a mission use your code name.

Ayanami: (annoyed) okay. This is citrus reporting I have mapped out the base. There is a airfield on a island in the harbor. The battleships are stationed to the right of the island. Heavy cruiser are to the left of the island. The submarine pens are in a cove to the far right next to oils and fuel silos. The light cruisers are at the back of the harbor and the destroyers are parked around the entrance to the harbor. One fleet carrier of the Royal navy there swordfish should be massacred as it lacks sea-fires (the naval version of a spitfire) or it is a high ranking royal and will sit cozy in safety like the damn cowards they are! There is also a possible escort carrier, both are located at the back of the side cove.
Kaga: received citrus regroup at stratus.
Ayanami: understood cumulus.

Akagi: A battle is to hurt, A battle also is to be hurt, a battle is an exchange of pain. Through pain we understand each other, in short love is war.

Kaga: (confused) huh? Sis I don't get what you are trying to say, (excited) I only exterminate my enemies!

Zuikaku: I'm with Kaga senpai on this one Akagi senpai, I don't understand your logic I simply defeat my enemies in a old fashioned one against one samurai fight!
———Time-skip attack of Pearl———
Kaga and Akagi suddenly appear while the Azur girls were fighting the mass produced SIREN Fleet.

Cleveland: (suprise) gahhh!

Akagi: Yes we were created by humanity to fight against the sirens but a difference in ideologies divided us one using siren tech the other not one is called Azur lane the other the crimson Axis.

Akagi: I am Akagi of the first carrier division.
Kaga: And I am Kaga of the first carrier division.
Both: Witness and tremble!

Kaga immideitly launches 2 zeros, 3 Val dive bombers but no Kate torpedo bombers. Three zeros start strafing some of the destroyers getting near hits. However a smaller group of three destroyers is dived upon by 3 val dive bombers. The green haired destroyer is riddled with blue led her legs and torso are hit as a final 20mm grazes her neck luckey for her she was small and nimble enough to avoid the knock out blow however her rigging is on fire and she is losing blood and oil definitely out of the fight with repairs and medical treatment needed soon.
Suddenly a squadron of 5 sea-fires with 2 303s and 2 20mm Hispano canons (This is not racist this is there actual name) They shoot down the three Val dive bombers that had just critically wounded the green haired destroyer possibly Benson class.

Cleveland light cruiser: (surprised) Interceptors!

Unicorn escort carrier: (sad and nervous) Stop hurting my friends right now!
Her unicorn plushie transforms into a full size and she starts ridding on its back. Launching four more seafires raking a zero that didn't bother to turn into a burning then imploding piece of scrap metal.

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