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It was just a normal day like any other. Like always, I went to school in the morning and came back in the afternoon. I always have to walk over the fields to get home; it's quite a long walk. I always wished my father would buy me a car, but he never did. He said I was young and could still walk. My mother? She ran away after my birth, but I couldn't care less. I was now on the field, walking around like always, when I noticed a green Silouette on the field.

I slowly started to approach it and noticed it's a car. It has a few scratches, and the front was broken, but nothing serious. I slowly walked around it and tried to open the door, which actually worked, and noticed that the keys were still there. I thought for a few minutes, but then decided to take the car home. A few years ago, I took driving lessons, but then my dad said he wouldn't buy me a car. When I finally arrived home, I hid the car behind the house in the forest. My dad can't know I have one; he would probably sell it or something.

I went inside the house and greeted my dad like always, then went to my room to study and watch a movie. The next day I went outside to go to school when I noticed the car standing a few meters away from where I parked it yesterday. "What the hell?" I asked confused. "Did someone try to steal it?" I questioned myself but decided I was going to ignore it for now. Later on, I will go and get some stuff to repair it after school.

That was now 15 days ago, and I love my new car. Something strange like this didn't happen again, so I didn't care about it. Like always, I go to school, and in the afternoon I wanted to go to a café in the neighbour city. Some people told me the food there was great, so I just had to try it out. I took a longer way over the highway. Since I'm a beginner, I always drive slowly, and other cars often drive past me. Another car approached me like always, but when I looked closer, nobody sat in the car.

I didn't have a long time to think about it because suddenly it shot rockets in our direction. I was so paralyzed I couldn't even move, but that was no problem because the car decided to move on its own. Yeah, maybe it's alllll a dream—a scary and bad dream. I sat there in shock and hoped I would wake up in my bed and think how stupid I was to think it was all real. But I didn't. The car fired again, and again, my car dodged it. Then I heard a deep voice coming from the radio. "Hold on tight." I looked at the radio, terrified, but did as the voice said.

My car drove right into the fields, and the other followed right behind. "What the hell is happening?" I asked panicked, "Don't worry, I gotcha" The radio voice told me." "That didn't answer my question!" Suddenly, the other car turned into a robot and jumped on top of my car. Then it all happened very fast. My car split and opened, and then I was thrown into the air and cached again. When we landed, I looked up and saw a big black robot with red eyes that approached us.

Then I turned around to see the robot holding me in his hand. He was green and a bit black, with glasses on his head. I looked at him with big eyes. He also looked down at me until the other attacked us again, and my car put me to the ground and shoved me behind him. "Run!" He yelled, and I started running towards the street. The robot didn't seem to follow me, but I still kept going. Of course, I've already heard about the Robots that came from another planet and saved our planet, but I never thought I would meet one.

It has been about 30 minutes since I walked down the freeway back home when I heard a car engine, and my car was next to me stopping. The doors opened, but I didn't go inside. I was not sure. On one hand, he saved me; on the other, he is still a robot, and I don't know if I could trust him. I walked closer to the window. "You're not going to hurt me, right?" "No." The radio spoke. "You need to explain a few things." I said that and got into the car. He drove us somewhere nobody else was right now.

I got out of the car, and he transformed from the car to his robot form. "Alright wh- what are you, who are you? What just happened...." I started questioning him. "Calm down. I will tell ya what ya need to know." He said that and bent down.

"My Name is Crosshairs. I'm an autobot from the planet cybertron. Our leader told us this was a peaceful planet where we could live, but then your leaders trailed us and started killing us. I got away, but my system got damaged. Thanks to you, I'm still alive, you saved me." I looked at him with big eyes. "Why did our leaders attack you?" "We don't know, probably for resources." "And what is going to happen now? I mean, You probably can't stay forever with me..." "If it is your wish, I will leave, but you saved me; I'm forever in your debt. If you want me to, I will stay and protect you." I thought for a moment. It will cause me big troubles If I let him stay, but on the other hand, he is nice and saved me from the other robot while he could have let me die. I look up at him. "If you tell me more about you and what has happened, I will let you live with me," I told him.

And that is how I met Crosshairs, which was now 4 months ago. We got really close. He always drives me to school, and later we always speed over the freeway. One time, the cops almost got us, but we got away. It was so much fun. But all the fun will come to an end. When we came home after a drive over the highway, black cars stood outside our house. "What the?" I asked confused. "Crosshairs, stop here and hide; I will see what's going on. "I said and went out of the car before he could hold me back.

When I entered the house, I saw a few men with weapons holding down my dad. "What is going on?"I asked, "There she is. "One agent said. "You're coming with us." "What?! Why?!" "You are suspected of working with the autobots." "With what? I don't know what you're talking about." "Young lady, don't play stupid with us. The car you drive to school with every day is a Corvette C7, the same car one of the autobots was last seen as. The sensors also show that you've been near one in the last half an hour." "I have no idea what you're talking about." "You're coming with us." They grabbed me by my arms and dragged me out of the house.

Suddenly, the two men who held me got thrown against a wall, and Crosshairs held me in his hands. "What are you doing?! They will see you!" And more agents came out of the house, holding up the guns. Crosshairs put his hands around my body, and they started shooting. "We have to go!" Crosshairs said, "But my dad!" Crosshairs was stressed; there was no way he could get him out too. "If you run away now, he'll die." A solider spoke and held a gun to my dad's head. "No! No!" I yelled, but Crosshairs took me transformed and drove away, far away. From the window, I saw our house getting smaller and smaller until it was no longer visible.

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