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After we left, we met up with Drift and Bee. Together, we took the freeway to get out of there. Suddenly, in front of us, there was another truck and the sports car we saw earlier. Galvatron and Stinger. It or he transformed and shot at us. We all turned and drove into the other direction and I clung onto Cross's seat. The seatbelt tightened around me. Bee, Optimus and Cross were at the front. The two decepticons shot in our direction but didn't hit us. Instead, they hit a truck with woodlogs on it. The truck then lost control and was thrown in our direction. Cross, Bee and Optimus transformed and started throwing us around the air. Cross threw me to Bumblebee, who gave me to Optimus. When we landed again, Cade, Tessa, Shane and I were sitting in Optimus alt mode, with Tessa on Shane's lap and me in the Middle next to Cade.

Cross and Bee stayed back to hold them back. Not a few seconds later, the truck again was behind us and fired at us. "Come on, Optimus." When the guns hit us, Optimus transformed and threw us out of the car. Tessa and I were thrown behind Optimus, Shane and Cade were thrown into the grass field. Galvatron came near and attacked Optimus they both had a fight, while Tessa and I watched it. "Tessa! Tessa, run to the fields!" Cade yelled. Since she didn't move, I took her by the arm and dragged her to the fields. Optimus threw Galvatron to the ground next to us. "You have no soul." He said stabbing him through his heart. "That is why I have no fear." He answered. The fight went on. From the side, Cade yelled at us. "Help me!" Tessa yelled. Then a big missile hit Optimus in his shoulder. Galvatron drove past us. I looked behind us to see a big robot with a gun on his face. He shot again at Optimus, then he put that gun off his face.

Tessa and I both went inside the car to hide there. To be honest, it was quite a dumb hiding spot because we were trapped in here, but we had no better chance to get out there without someone noticing, and we can't just leave Optimus here. "Optimus! Optimus get up!" "Shut up!" I yelled at her. "He can't, don't you see? Two missiles just hit him. How could he fight?" I told her annoyed. "Get out of here." Optimus said. Tessa started crawling back while I stayed at the front. "No. I stay here." I said, "I feel sorry for you, prime. Your allegiance to these humans. The trouble with loyalty to a cause is that the cause will always betrail you." "Who sent you here?" "Where do you think you came from? You think you were born? No. You were built, and your makers want you back." He said, then a net was thrown around Optimus and the car we were in. Cade ran towards us, to get us out here, but it was just no use. I leaned back in the seat, knowing we couldn't do anything. "Cade! Warn the Autobots!" Optimus yelled at him as we got lifted into the big spaceship.

With the other Autobots

It has been about 15 minutes since anyone heard of Optimus. They all got nervous, especially Crosshairs. He tried to connect to Optimus the whole time. They drove in the direction where Optimus went, but they haven't found anything yet. Then they noticed a big alien ship that was slowly floating away. On the ground, they noticed two of the humans. They approached them, and when they reached them, Crosshairs was the first one to transform. "Where are the others?! Where is Y/n?!" He yelled at them. "That big ass Robot got them." Shane said exhausted. "What?!" He yelled, angry. "Crosshairs, calm down." Drift said. "Shut up! Don't tell me to calm down. I didn't look at her for 10 minutes, and my girl gets kidnapped! We are getting her back. Now!" He said and transformed. Drift looked at his friend sympathetically. He knew Crosshairs for centuries, but never thought he would ever act like that because he was in love. If she was in danger, he would do anything to save her, that was for sure. They arrived at a bride where they could easily jump onto the ship. Bee helped Cade and Shane onto the ship, and the other autobots also jumped onto it. Crosshairs took out his guns and was the first one to climb into the massive ship while the other humans were still arguing.


That big Transformer ordered that they'd take us to the trash or something. They took the car to another room, where robots took apart other metal robots. The door opened, and a very ugly robot looked at us. Tessa screamed in terror and ran away. I slowly got up and also escaped from that room. When I looked around, Tessa was nowhere to be found. She just left me there. I then decided to walk to the left, and I would see where I got then. It was about fifteen minutes when I heard other voices. "We must be quick. We have the element of surprise." "Drift?!" I yelled and ran around the corner, where I spotted all the autobots and Cade with Shane. They all turned to me, and Cross was the first to react. He quickly walked over and took me in his hands. "Are ya hurt? Are ya alright? They didn't do anything to ya?" "My whole body hurts a little, but it's nothing serious." I told him and smiled. Crosshairs looked at me and then noticed a wound at my body. He wanted to say something but got interrupted by Cade. "Where is Tessa!?"

-The universe between us- Crosshairs x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें