Chapter 14

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She smiles, a real beautiful smile, the kind that could wake up graves. Leaning a little she kisses my cheek, a gesture I have never experienced. She gets off my lap walking to the the drawer I pointed to

She sits on my lap again taking the thermometer out from the case placing it in my mouth, her eyes focus in on the temperature going up on the meter

"You have a fever" she states state

"I am aware of that" I mumble very nonchalantly

"Manik it's a fever not a fun fact I'm telling you about"

"Don't piss me off Nandini, just because we kissed it doesn't mean I have forgotten the shit you did today, I am fucking ballistic about it" I tell her

the kiss was perfect, amazing but it doesn't distract from the fact that I still am angry about her being with rahul

"Why are you so upset?" she asks placing the thermometer on the table as he leans into my lap again

"Why am I upset? Nandini you fucking left with your ex and you expect me to be fine with all of it? Then you come back and kiss me like I mean something and I'm not someone who cares about feelings but it's different when it comes to my wife. It is different when it comes to my wife Nandini and it is so much different when the women who is meant to stay by my side forever is holding her ex's hand telling him how much she missed him. IT IS UPSETTING ME, I AM UPSET"

I didn't raise my voice but I was so fucking pissed off with everything

"I understand how upset you are" she whispers caressing my jawline

I doubt she does

"No you don't nandini because you didn't see a girl all over me telling me shit"

"You think I don't see Fiona throwing herself at you? You think I didn't notice her looking at you giving you all the eyes she can? You think I don't listen to her telling me how good you are in bed and how you still do it with her every chance you get?" she asks

What the fuck has Fiona been up to?


"See that's the difference Manik, she said all the shit she wanted to but not for a second did I question you , not because I didn't want to but because I knew you would never do that. Because I trust you Manik"

She trusts me!

He biggest thing she could have told me was she trust me and she does, half my anger subsides right there and then.

"I woke up because I got scared, I woke up having a nightmare, I held onto you for hours before I calmed down and then I was hungry. I walked down to grab something to ear then I was wandering and ended up in the basement. It felt cold and scary but then I saw rahul"

A grunt leaves my lips as soon as I hear her refer to his name, I fucking hate that man

"I sat there and asked him how he was and we talked but I promise you that none of it was more than a conversation with a friend. He said he loved me but I did not say it back because I don't Manik. He said he missed me and I genuinely missed him so yes I told him I miss him but that doesn't mean I will betray you manik"

"Then what does it mean?" i ask not knowing where she is taking this conversation

"It means he is still my friend manik, him and I have been together for years, you cannot expect me to just not talk to him at all"

"Thing go talk to him why are you here?" I snap all of a sudden


"You make a decision, it's either him or me nandini and I will honour that decision but you do not get to have both of us, you just don't. I may be your husband but it doesn't interfere in this decision" I tell her

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