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Jungkook's jaw hit the floor so hard it caused an earthquake! Fear was coursing through his veins like an espresso shot.

His eyes bulged out of his head like they were trying to escape from the circus show in front of them. The boss, with a voice deeper than the Kardashians butts, bellowed:

"Hey Jungkook. . ho's this little rascal?" Jungkook turned to see Jimin perched on his hip like a confused penguin at SeaWorld.

Jungkook's brain went on an all-expenses-paid vacation to the Bahamas, leaving him stranded on a sea of what-just-happened.

He couldn't understand why his trusty fibs had bailed on him during this emergency situation. "Who is he?" he thought, his mind spinning faster than the teacups at Disneyland.

With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, probably brought on by too much caffeine, Jungkook blurted out, "He's my cousin's kid, boss!"

"Your cousin's child?" Namjoon asked, his curiosity causing his forehead to wrinkle more than a raisin. "But your cousin must be ancient. . ike a dinosaur fossil!"

Jungkook shrugged and dared to say the unspeakable, "Yeah, maybe. .

"What?!" Namjoon exclaimed, looking more shocked than a Kardashian without makeup.

In that instant, Jungkook hastily deposited Jimin on the floor faster than you can say oopsie daisy! His expression was priceless - part disbelief, part horror movie.

Oh em gee, you'll never believe it but this little munchkin thought it would be hilarious to give ole a knuckle sandwich (Punch) right in the gut! Ouch My tummy!

Jungkook was at a loss for words yet also very confused. He looked at Jimin with a sheepish grin that said:

"Did you just get promoted to the big boss and order me to get pack out of the team?" Poor clueless, Jimin just blinked back at him like huh?

"But get this - tiny wasn't even involved! It was this dude who forcibly grabbed my hand, causing major damage. And that's why I accidentally decked him," Jimin explained with sad puppy dog eyes.

And let me tell you, Jungkook's heart melted faster than ice cream in Death Valley.

Suddenly, Jungkook transformed into Detective Kook, examining Jimin's wrist like he was on a case. He noticed it was all red and angry looking. Jungkook shot Namjoon a look while cradling Jimin in a protective snuggle. Total boyfriend goals!

"Boss man, I'm really sorry. You see he's my cousin's kid and he's super affectionate towards me. Also, he doesn't like anyone else touching him. That's why the whole mess went down," Jungkook apologized, hoping to smooth things over.

Then out of nowhere, Jin appeared and approached Namjoon.

Boss, forgive the little guy. . t was an accident. Namjoon calmed down and went back to his room. Meanwhile, Jin shot Jungkook a reassuring smile and wave, like it's all good now. Then Jin followed Namjoon.


Jimin plopped onto the plush couch in Jungkook's office, pouting his adorable face off. Meanwhile, Jungkook sauntered over with Dettol and sponges. He took a knee on the couch next to Jimin.

"Hand 'em over, kitty," Jungkook requested with a serious tone.

Baffled, Jimin obediently handed his hands to Jungkook. Jungkook took Jimin's hand and applied some detol on the sponge, gently wiping it on Jimin's wrist. This caused a slight twinge of pain in Jimin's hands.

Jungkook peered into Jimin's face, noticing the slight discomfort he was feeling.

"Don't worry, kitty. It'll get better soon," Jungkook reassured, while tenderly stroking Jimin's blonde locks. He then stood up, placing the detol-soaked sponge on the cabinet, and settled at his desk to begin working on his laptop.

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