Part 1

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Dove didn't know what dying would feel like. But she was hoping that it wouldn't hurt. Sure, she'd survived the games so far, and had even managed to take food from the careers. She was even the first one to grab her bag from the cornucopia. She had hope for a while

But she knew in the end she wouldn't be the victor. That Katniss obviously had it in her to win. The boy with her, she wasn't so sure, he was picking berries after all, she knew he couldn't tell the difference between raspberry and a blackberry.

Dove left Peeta by the water, and climbed silently up. That was when she saw the cheese. It was next to some apples and two rolls.

It looked so good, just sitting there. It made her stomach rumble just thinking about how it must taste. But she restrained herself.

They'd know something was up if she took the whole thing. Even a bite would alert them she knew of their food.

'A few nibbles, nothing more.' She told herself, then picked small pieces off with her fingernails. Hearing footsteps, Dove ran behind a tree, her small frame making it easier to hide.

The boy from district 12 walked back up, berries in hand. He smiled as he set them down next to the cheese and apples.

He left, probably to get more. Dove smiled. Such a large amount of berries, she could take quite a few and he wouldn't notice.

She took a few, then dropped them immediately. They weren't ordinary berries. Nightlock.

Dove picked them back up, then a thought occurred. If she ate them, then she would die a quick, painless death. No more fighting, no more scavenging.

She wouldn't have to worry that any second Cato would kill her on the spot. Taking a deep breath, she shoved the berries into her mouth, and chewed.

They tasted strange, kind of salty. She'd tried poison berries before, just to know what they tasted like. These did not taste like any of those.

She swallowed quickly, and ran to the clearing where her stuff was. It was beautiful there, with the sun shining on the grass, and the occasional butterfly or tracker jacker flying by. It reminded Dove of a meadow from a story book.

She sat down, and looked at the clouds. Waiting for death to come was the hardest thing ever. She was half tempted to make herself vomit and stay alive.

But she didn't. Why bother? She would die anyway. Why not go peacefully?

Dove always hated violence. Being forced into the games really made her realize that. She hadn't even killed anyone.

Slowly, she felt the effects of the berries taking hold. She gasped in a breath, then fell over, unable to move, barely able to breath.

There was a small flash of light, then, a canon went off. 'Is this death?' She wondered, her brown eyes watching the sky. 'I don't feel dead.'

The aircraft came, and slowly she was taken from the ground. 'Wait a minute! I'm not dead! Why are they taking me if I'm not dead?'

The doors to the shuttle closed, and she was surrounded by doctors. They put an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth, and she breathed in. "I'm not dead." She whimpered, her eyes wide.

"I know sweetie. That's how it goes. Now please, keep breathing." The lady closest to her said.

'What's going on? ' She wondered. Slowly, she began to feel sleepy. Her panic turned to confusion, then to exhaustion. Her eyelids felt heavy, and the next thing she knew, she was fast asleep.

The shuttle took her all the way to the Capital. They unloaded her on to the launch pad, and brought her in to the hospital.

"Is this Dove Talcon?"

"Yes. Do just as you did the others." The women replied, and handed the man the clip board.

"Yes ma'am." The man replied, taking her into the bowls of the hospital, where twenty one other tributes were laying in beds, some covered in bandages, others with IV's of mysterious colored liquid in their arms. "We've got another one." He called to the main doctor, who smiled.

"Wonderful. Let's get her prepped with the others." He said, and the nurses all gave the others sedatives, and prepped them for surgery.

In the operating room, was a picture of Dove, and a modified picture of a girl with brown eyes, brown hair, and a big nose.

One would think the two pictures don't look anything alike. But deep down, they were exactly the same people.


Okay guys! This is my first Hunger Games Fanfic! Please let me know what you think!


They Call Me Dove (•°A Foxface fanfic°• Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now