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Jungkook gracefully halted the luxurious car right in front of his prestigious office, effortlessly opening the door and stepping out with an air of confidence. However, to his surprise, Jimin remained seated inside the vehicle, his mind clouded with confusion.

Sensing his companion's perplexity, Jungkook's lips curled into a gentle smile as he reached for the car door, extending his hand towards Jimin.

With their fingers intertwined, they embarked on a regal stroll towards the colossal edifice that housed their workplace.

The office itself stood as a magnificent testament to grandeur, its sheer size leaving onlookers in awe.

As they made their way through the bustling crowd, Jungkook's presence commanded respect, evident by the reverent bows bestowed upon him by passersby.

In this poignant moment, Jimin clung tightly to Jungkook's hand, cherishing the memory of their departed loved one.

Jungkook gracefully led the way into a lavishly adorned chamber, elegantly labeled as the Manager's quarters.

With a gentle push, he unveiled the door, revealing a sight of opulence. Positioned at the heart of the room, a grand table and chair commanded attention, adorned with an array of laptop, scattered papers and meticulously arranged documents. Adjacent to this regal setup, a plush sofa beckoned invitingly.

In a soft whisper, Jungkook turned to his dear companion,

"Oh, Jiminie, please take a moment to relax on that magnificent sofa. I'll be back in just a short ten minutes."

Jimin, understanding the request without saying a word, elegantly sank into the opulent seat.

With a graceful dance-like movement, Jungkook swiftly swung the door open, and with the same finesse, closed it as he departed, leaving Jimin to revel in the grandeur of the room.

Hey there, Jungkook! How's it going?

A dashing, slender guy in a crisp white shirt and black pants eagerly approached him with a beaming smile.

"Nothing much, just the usual," Jungkook replied with equal enthusiasm. "Oh, by the way, I wanted to tell you something, Jin hyung."

Jin was taken aback by this sudden announcement and urged him to speak his mind. Taking a deep breath, Jungkook calmly began, "Well, my cousin has come over to my place, but since there's no one at home, he'll be joining me at the office until he leaves."

Hearing this, Jin's face lit up with joy. "That's fantastic! Tell him to sit with us and introduce me as well."


The room was filled with boredom as Jimin sat there, his mind wandering. Suddenly, the doors swung open, and an unfamiliar face entered. Jimin's eyes widened in shock, and he instinctively jumped onto the sofa, his gaze fixed on the newcomer.

This person had a strong physique and a strikingly beautiful face adorned with dimples. It was clear that he wore glasses.

"Who are you? And where did Jungkook go?" the man questioned Jimin, his voice filled with urgency as he frantically searched the room.

Jimin, overwhelmed by fear, knelt down between the two sofas, unable to utter a word. His silence only seemed to anger the man further.

Observing Jimin's reaction, the man began to suspect that he might be dealing with a thief or some sort of intruder.

Without hesitation, he swiftly approached Jimin, demanding answers. "Who are you? And why are you so frightened? How did you manage to enter this room?"

The harshness in his voice only intensified Jimin's fear and anxiety.

Suddenly, he forcefully seized Jimin's hand. Witnessing this, fear engulfed Jimin and he let out a startled hiss like a cat... However, he perceived it as a chance to escape, so he tried to bring him down using his other hand.

At the same time, Jimin swiftly clutched him by the chest and forcefully pushed him down. Without a second thought, he sprinted out of the room...

Jin and Jungkook were having a nice chat over a cup of tea. Jin couldn't help but share his wish with Jungkook.

"Hey, Jungkook... I really want us to wrap up all our tasks and go on a countryside adventure this week," Jin said, taking a sip of his tea.

Jungkook smiled, but seemed a bit hesitant. "I'm not sure if I can join you, Jin hyung'. Tae and I have a ton of work to tackle for our summer break," he replied, placing his empty cup back on the table.

But just as they were sippin' on their tea and eatin' crumpets, the vibe in the room took a turn for the weird.

All of a sudden they heard footsteps approachin' fast, followed by Jungkook's name bein' hollered from across the way.


He froze up like a deer in headlights, eyes wide as saucers. He spun his head around just in time to see Jimin haulin' butt towards him, lookin' more spooked than a mouse in a snake convention.

Fear was written all over little Jimin's face, and now everybody was staring at this strange fella sprintin' in like his pants were on fire.

Without missin' a beat, Jimin launched himself onto Jungkook's hipbone like a scared little monkey. And much to everyone's surprise, Jungkook threw his arms wide open and pulled Jimin in for a hug, settlin' him on one side.

It was like somethin' straight out of a rom-com, except with a terrified Jimin instead of a pretty lady.

Jin, watchin' these unexpected events unfold, choked on his tea and gawked at Jungkook with eyes bigger'n baseballs. This was definitely a Kodak moment they'd all remember forever, and probably haunt Jin's dreams too.

Jungkook's pride took a nosedive faster'n you can say "oh snap"! But have no fear, cause he's got tricks up his sleeve. In the blink of an eye, he spins his melon towards Jimin, who's chillin' on his hip.

"Yo child, did you see what just happened?

Jimin let out a deep sigh and muttered those dreaded words, "Child is scared of that guy.

Cue the dramatic music!

He clutched Jungkook's hands with a terrified puss, pointin' at someone in the distance.

Always protectin' his child, Jungkook fired back immediately, "What punk scared my kid?"

He glanced at Jimin's shakin' finger, pointin' straight at a man lookin' awfully like their CEO.

In that moment, Jungkook's heart skipped a beat and his thinker went into overdrive. All he could picture was the ground openin' up like a trap door and swallowin' him whole.

Talk about a major plot twist!


I hope everyone enjoys reading it. Feel free to leave your comments and ratings

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