*Taehyung takes taeyoongi and holds the sleeping baby tightly against his chest. He smiles softly down at the little one, and can't help but feel a small sense of gratitude towards Yoongi for trusting him with the child.*

"He's very precious to you, isn't he?" *He asks softly, while his back facing yoongi not wanting to make yoongi uncomfortable till she wearing all clothes*

Y-yes very much *yoongi says and wears the clothes she blushes hard as the clothes was big for yoongi her shoulders were visible*

*taehyung turn around as Taehyung is surprised to see how small Yoongi is, now that she has covered herself with the big clothes. Her face blushes slightly when he notices the young woman looking so frail and vulnerable. It is easy to forget that Yoongi is*

"I can get you another set of clothes that will fit you better, if you wish. Just tell me whenever you like." *He says gently.*

N-no no it's fine *yoongi says and sat down near to taeyoongi when taehyung lays him down on bed*

*Taehyung watches as Yoongi sits down near to the child, and sees the way her eyes keep flicking back towards the baby, as if she didn't want him to get out of her sight. Maybe she was worried that the boy would disappear at any moment, or that someone would come to take him away again.*

"Can I ask you something?" *Taehyung's voice is soft as he speaks to Yoongi.*

Sure *yoongi says and looks at him*

*Taehyung pauses for a moment, wondering how he should phrase the question that he's about to ask Yoongi, but finally decides to do it anyway.*

"Do you have any family members who could take care of Taeyoongi and you?" *He asks softly, not wanting to put too much pressure on the young woman . He was aware that Yoongi had just come from a small village, so there was a high chance that the entire family had already passed away or something similar.*

M-my whole family died I don't have anyone *yoongi says and looks at taehyung and saying that if it was so normal for her*

*Taehyung stares for a moment and nods. So, Yoongi had been a true orphan all alone. That was very tragic, but he couldn't blame her for feeling so anxious and wanting to keep Taeyoongi close. He still couldn't understand why Yoongi had left the village with the child, and it was clear that the young woman wasn't about to open up about the reason behind that decision.*

"I'm sorry for all the questions. Just remember that you can ask me whatever you like, and that I'm here to help you."

T-thank you really much *yoongi says and lays down on soft bed*

*Taehyung can't help but notice how tired and exhausted the young woman seems, and how quickly she settles into the bed. She has been through so much pain throughout the day, and it is now evident that she just wanted to lay down and rest.*

"You're welcome," *He says softly*

I'm sorry that I ask you this but what about your husband? *taehyung says and looks at yoongi*

*yoongi took deep breath and began to say* "He left to another kingdom for work when I was pregnant he didn't send any updates after that... But on cold scary night someone came and told me that my husband is dead he got killed by a prince because he spilled the tea on Prince's clothes" *yoongi says*

*Taehyung's face contorts with anger as he hears that story, and he is shocked that Yoongi had to go through so much hardship at the hands of others.*

"I'm sorry for your loss," *He says gently, as he strokes taeyoongi's soft hair.* "He must have been a good man, to be willing to protect you like that."

Yea... *yoongi says and looks at taeyoongi holding her tears back*

*Taehyung notices the way Yoongi glances at Taeyoongi, and can feel the heavy weight of sadness on Yoongi's shoulders as she holds the baby tightly to her chest. She was probably thinking how difficult it had been for her to bring up the child all alone, without any help.*

"You are crying" *He says softly, and rests a gentle hand on Yoongi's shoulder.*

I'm not *yoongi says and looks at taehyung* I'm not crying *yoongi says and hugs taeyoongi*

*Taehyung knows that it is not easy for Yoongi to admit to her own tears in front of him, especially after being so firm and cold to her before. He can hear the faint sound of Yoongi's voice quivering, and he knows that she won't be able to hide her sadness for much longer.*

"It's okay..." *He says softly, reaching his hand to gently stroke Yoongi's back. He notices that Yoongi is not even trying to resist it this time.*

It's okay to cry *taehyung says*

*yoongi closes her eyes as her tears rolled her cheeks and her lips quivering*

*Taehyung's expression becomes one of compassion as he watches Yoongi cry, her tears rolling down her cheeks like little raindrops. His face softens even more as he feels that Yoongi is no longer trying to fight herself off, and he feels the girl's body shaking slightly with her quivers.*

"There, there... Don't hold it in anymore," *Taehyung says softly and rubs Yoongi's shoulders.*

*yoongi crawls over taehyung and holds his shirt and sobs*

*Taehyung can't help but feel his heart ache as he feels Yoongi's vulnerable body clinging onto him, his soft body pressed up against his own. It felt strangely comforting to feel Yoongi's weight clinging on to him like that, and he wraps a warm arm tightly around the younger woman's body to hold her close.*

"There, there..." *Taehyung says softly, and pulls Yoongi closer as he rubs his back.*

A/n: let's make it more dramatic (cuz why not 😂💃🏻)

*taehyung knew that she needs a person to comfort her and taehyung is that person*

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to be continue... ⋙


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