sshhh ( Farah Dowling )

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" Y/N, I know you like to read and what not, but Muza wants to go training and we also want to participate and we were hoping you were going to come along too. Please? " Said Bloom as she entered my and Stella's shared room.

I sighed and looked up from my book.
" Okay, okay. I'll come with you, but I'll just watch. I don't want to go fist to fist or sword to spear. That's not for me. "

They could live with that answer, so I put my book away and we left outside. We walked to the specialized side of the school, where we were greeted by Sky and his friends who apparently went to train with the girls.

While I think they are all quite nice and friendly, some of them do have a big ego in my opinion and it wouldn't hurt for them to be put in their place.

But then again, my opinion doesn't matter as long as I wasn't going to do anything about it myself and I wasn't.

The girls put on those painful, magic blocking bracelets, grabbed their weapons and each looked for at least one partner to fight against. I sat down on a bench that offered a view of the various groups that had formed.

I find it quite amusing to be honest. We as fairies have magic that ka protect us from everything and everyone, yet they want to train and learn to fight like the specialists. In my eyes then it seems as if they don't trust themselves and their magic to accomplish the task.

" I always see your sitting here while the rest are making out against someone else. Why don't you ever join them? " Said the voice of our principal, Miss Dowling, which startled me out of my daydream and made me look at her.
" I have no need for physical combat training. I rely on my magic and myself to protect me if brave. " She came and sat next to me and hummed in understanding.

I didn't like talking to people and especially not if I didn't know them well, or if they were higher than me. I always get nervous then which makes me start stuttering on fiddling with something.

To avoid further questions or contact, I looked down and noticed that her hand was shaking extremely rough. I looked up a little and noticed that it was not just her hand, but her whole body. When I looked at her face and eyes, I saw that she was focused on the fighting the group was doing, but in her eyes I saw pain and sadness. Even fear and it seemed like her eyes were begging her to look away.

I wondered why this was, but I didn't think about it for long. Her story, her past, her life. Rosalind.
She's been through so much, and now that I think about it, I don't think she's really had much time to process it. She's always there for everything and everyone, but who's there for her? No doubt Silva and Ben will be there for her, but what if they iet saw these things. Or still have this feeling themselves so neither of them want to talk to anyone about it?

The look in her eyes remained and the trembling only seemed to get worse.
" Ma'am, are you okay? " I asked and put my hand on her leg.

That move seemed to make her jump out of her trans because as soon as my hand touched her thigh, her eyes jumped to my hand.

She looked at my hand and then at me. I had sensed that as soon as aar eyes left the fighting group that the tremors immediately calmed down.

" Euh... Yes, sorry. I was just in my own world for a moment I guess. " and with that she stood up and walked back to the school. And I couldn't help but feel evil. Not only because it seemed she felt bad, but also because I'm such a creep. She must think there's something wrong with me.

This feeling stayed with me even hours after we were back in our room. I had my book back in my hands, but I had read the same page five times now and I still don't know what it says.

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