'Hangover' - Jisoo x Jennie

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Warning: this story has a bit of smut at the end.

After being with Jisoo, Lisa, Rosé for 10 years
I've realized a lot of things about them and also my feelings towards one specific member which is Jisoo. I'd be lying if I didn't say that Jisoo is the prettiest girl and talented but none of my members know I have feelings for her even though they've seen me acting all lovey dovey around her.

Like this:

And also this:

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And also this:

but I guess they think that I act like that just for the blinks to see

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but I guess they think that I act like that just for the blinks to see. And I have been keeping my feelings away from her because it hasn't been the right time until now...

Jennie POV:
Today was our break day from recording, performing, dancing, singing, etc.. and I decided to cook breakfast earlier than Jisoo does cause she cooks for us and when Jisoo came in the kitchen she looked shocked saying "JENDEUKIE what are you doing here?!" And I chuckled saying "I wanted to make breakfast" then Jisoo sat down watching me cook I felt a bit nervous about messing up because she was watching me after I finished cooking, I yelled "ROSIE, LISA wake up breakfast is served!".

(After they ate)

Jisoo POV:
I told Jennie what an amazing meal she made which she blushed by the comment I made then she told me "maybe..just so maybe..I'll make any meal you want that is if you want?". I replied by saying "oh no you already had enough work time I'll never make you do more work, ok".

Jennie POV:
When Jisoo said that, I couldn't help but blush and I told her maybe I'll make her any meal she'll make that is if she wanted me too but she said that I shouldn't do more work than already did, I laughed then sat in couch with Rosé, Lisa, Jisoo but I sat next to Jisoo then Rosé tease us by saying "aww look it's the cuties" and Lisa began saying "yeah and it seems like our NiNi is getting embarrassed". I hid behind Jisoo shoulder and Jisoo chuckled saying "come on guys don't treat Jennie like that".

Jisoo POV:
As Rosé and Lisa were teasing us, I felt Jennie hiding behind my shoulder and I told them both to stop treating Jennie like that and they both stay quiet while Jennie came back up from hiding, I then heard a notification on my phone I checked it and it was a text from Nayeon that said "hey it's been a while and I heard it's break day so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight and also can you ask Jennie if she would like to come"

Jennie POV:
I saw Jisoo checking her phone and she had a smile on her face as she typing something on her phone before putting her phone away and turning towards me asking if I wanted to go out with Nayeon so since I had nothing to do I agreed, and she went on her phone typing something then we both got out of our seats to go to our rooms to go change.

Jisoo POV:
I texted Nayeon back by saying "sure I'll go and hold on let ask her" and turned away from my phone then asked Jennie if she wanted to hang out with me and Nayeon and she said yes so I quickly texted her that Jennie said yes and she replied back with "alright I'll pick you and Jennie up right now so be ready". I then got out of my seat helping Jennie also getting up then we both went out separate ways to go change.

(After changing)

Jennie POV:
I went back to living room after changing telling both Rosé and Lisa that I'll be leaving to hang out with Jisoo and Nayeon but before Jisoo came they both said "okay but don't do anything I wouldn't Jen" as they said this they raised their eyebrows and again I blushed before Jisoo came in and said to them to behave and that we'll be leaving right now, I caught a glimpse of Jisoo outfit it was very cute.

Jisoo POV:
As we left, I saw Nayeon waving at me and I ran toward her and hugged her while saying, "OMG you're so different, I wish I could be like you".
She chuckled then she noticed Jennie and hugged her as well and we entered in the vehicle.

Little of Jennie POV:
I saw Nayeon waving at Jisoo and Jisoo hugging her I felt a bit jealous until I saw Nayeon coming towards me and with a big hug she hugged me, I felt happy and said "hey Nayeon" before getting into the vehicle.

(Arrived at the Nayeon's house)

Jisoo POV:
I got out and helped Jennie get out by opening the door for her and walked with linked hands inside Nayeon's house as she opened the door for us and then that's her pet Kookeu barked at us but me and Jennie both petted the little Pomeranian then sat in the couch.

Jennie POV:
Jisoo helped me get out and we held hands and got inside then we were greeted by her dog kookeu barking at us but I petted her dog and also sat beside Jisoo as Nayeon came to sit by us.

They both started to talk with Nayeon about their current life and blinks but as they noticed it started to get midnight, Nayeon asked Jennie and Jisoo if they wanted to drink some alcohol in which they both said yes so Nayeon grabbed 3 glasses for each and served them as they drank while talking Nayeon left to go to her room to bring something to show Jennie and Jisoo but it was only an opportunity for Jennie to talk with Jisoo.

Jennie POV:
As I saw Nayeon leave, I felt a bit drunk and also Jisoo did so I decided to tell her about my feelings for her, so I grabbed Jisoo hand which caught Jisoo's attention to look at me and I don't know if it was the alcohol but I started to move my other hand towards her neck to lean her face towards me and that's when I kissed her, I felt like we were the only ones here then that's when Jisoo grabbed both my legs and carried me towards the kitchen and sat me down in the table then started to touch my stomach while saying "hmm you like this don't you Jennie~?". I nodded while I trying so hard not to make any noise. then we kissed once again but it was longer kiss while this was happen I thought "maybe I like this drunk Jisoo".

Jisoo POV:
I felt Jennie grab my hand then her other hand toward my neck to lean towards her face and she then all of a sudden she kissed me, I didn't know what I felt at that moment but I grabbed both Jennie's legs and carried her towards the counter at the kitchen and touching her everywhere but mostly her stomach to get revenge for when she did that to me and I said drunkly "hmm you like this don't you Jennie~?" And I saw Jennie nodding then I kissed her one last time but longer before grabbing Jennie and placing me and her back on the couch acting like nothing had happened and long after Nayeon came back she looked at us confused cause our hair was messy and Jennie face looked red due to our moment.


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