'Yandere Lisa' - Rosé x Lisa

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Warning ⚠️: if you don't like long chapters, you can skip it or not. (Your decision)

Lisa POV:
We were driven to the YG entertainment to dance practice a new song and also record the song. once we arrived, I was the third one to get off and I helped Rosé get out of the car then we linked arms together and we saw people cheering and screaming in which we turned around, and saw blinks so we waved bye to everyone but then I notice a sign that said "Rosé marry me" but then I held my hand saying "no" and held Rosé tighter and closer to me, I then heard Rosé voice but I ignored her on our way inside the building.

Rosé POV:
As we got off the car I waited for Lisa to get off and unexpectedly Lisa held my hand, I was shocksé by this but we then linked arms together and I heard people screaming so I turned around and saw it was blinks so I waved bye and notice one male fan held a sign saying "Rosé marry me" I was about to answer until I saw Lisa putting her hand up then she gestures her hand as if saying "no" in which I laughed but only to be held tight and closer to Lisa so I said to Lisa "hey your holding me tight" but it seemed like she ignored me.

Lisa POV:
We then reach the level of where our dance studio is supposed to be, Which is dance studio B and when we arrive their was our choreographer and she greeted us as we came in and we greeted her as well.
She then began giving us instructions of the dance choreography, after 3 replays of same choreography she noticed that Rosé was doing some mistakes so when she approached her and talked her about it, she then began touching Rosé. I felt agitated that she touching Rosé but I didn't want to be more upset than I was so I calmed down but I thought to myself "maybe I should talk to her and give her a piece of my mind". I saw Jisoo and Jennie telling me if I was okay but I told them yes but it seemed like they didn't believe me but I didn't care about that now I just cared for Rosé.

Rosé POV:
I greeted our choreographer and then she immediately showed the moves for it, I was overwhelmed but I understood some of moves so after 3 tries of the choreography I got tired and stressed that the choreographer came up to me and started to tell me what mistakes I made then she asked me if she can touch me to help me with moves I need help on so I told "yes I'm okay with that", she then proceeded to move my body in the right movement while counting the steps. Then she said "you got it now?". I replied with "yeah" then I noticed Jennie and Jisoo talking with Lisa so I waited for them.

Lisa POV:
Once I saw Rosé alone again, I began to walk toward her and told her "did she hurt, harmed, injured anything?" As I checked everywhere. She then chuckled sweetly saying "no Lisa she didn't besides even if she did do that you'll always will be there for me". I felt relieved and after we did everything good and perfect, we then begin to head to the studio to record the song while saying bye to the choreographer.

Rosé POV:
I saw Lisa coming up to me then she said "did she hurt, harmed, injured anything?" While checking everywhere so I chuckled saying "no Lisa she didn't besides even if she did do that you'll always be their for me" and all of us began to say bye to the instructor while we walked over to the studio to record the song and when we entered inside, Teddy (our producer) said "ah look it's the pinks how you have you guys been?". We all said at the same time "tired and hungry" in which the producer laughed and he then began to explain the song title and beat that's when he called Jennie and he said something to Jennie that made her go to the booth and he then said "1 2 3 go!". He pressed record and we all listened.

Lisa POV:
We entered inside the studio and Teddy said "ah look it's the pinks how you have you guys been?". When we all answer that we were tired and hungry, the producer began to laugh but then he started saying about the song title and beat rhythm, he called Jennie to come and he said something to her that made her go to the booth and then he started to count down before saying "go" and hitting the record  button.

Rosé POV:
As he began to call each member to record their parts, he said "alright Rosé you're ready to record?".
I nodded in response and headed inside while putting on the headphones and looking at my paper while singing my part once I was done he then started to thank us and told us we could go now. So we head out of the building and into the vehicle where we were gonna head back to the rooms.

Lisa POV:
After Teddy called my name and finished recording my part, he then began to call Rosé and told her if she was ready and in response she nodded and headed inside the booth, sang her part while hearing her vocals I felt happy and calm because the reason why I liked her was because of her soothing voice and pretty eyes she has, it's the traits and features she has that attract me to her. Once we were done he said we could go now so we headed out and went in the vehicle and drove back to the rooms.

(In the rooms)

Rosé POV:
I was in the living room with Lisa, Jennie while Jisoo was cleaning somewhere and I wanted to text my friend so I texted her and she then sent me a image of her wearing a blue dress or shirt and jeans with the text saying "should I wear this or this?". While I was deciding, it seemed like Lisa was interested because she then asked who was I texted and when I was about to answer she took my phone away and I said "hey Lisa give it back!" And she said "no I want to see" and she did the most ridiculous thing ever she threw my phone on the ground hard as if you can hear the noise and started to walking away upstairs while saying "your with me and you shouldn't text her but me ONLY." I walked over at my broken phone in tears and pick up the pieces that were shattered, as Jennie saw this she came to me and said "hey Rosie it's alright we'll just get you a new phone". I cried as Jennie hugged me and helped me sit back on the couch then Jennie called Jisoo to come in which in seconds Jisoo came and Jennie told Jisoo about what happened with Lisa and Rosé. Jisoo quickly came to comfort me while Jennie said she would talk to Lisa.

Lisa POV:
After I threw Rosé's phone I walked away upstairs while saying "you're with me and you shouldn't text her but me ONLY". I opened the door to my room and screamed as loud as I can while throwing everything that was in room until I heard a knock on my door, I said "come in" and the door opened revealing Jennie in the doorway. I saw Jennie kept distance between me and she said "Lisa". I interrupted by saying "get me Rosé now and leave once she comes". Then Jennie opened the door and said "Rosie come here".

Rosé POV:
After I calmed down, I heard Jennie call my name to come up so I went upstairs and once I enter the room, I saw Jennie leaving while Lisa looked up at me saying "you know why I did that" with a psychotic tone. I said awkwardly "why?". That's when she came close to me, inches away from face to hers and whispered "because I love you." As I was about to say something, Lisa stopped me by tilting my head and when she almost kisses my neck,out of the blue I slap her then back away saying "stop!".

Lisa POV:
I saw Rosé came then I told her if she knew why I did that and she replied with "why?". I started to walk toward her closer to her and whispered to her "because I love you." Once I saw Rosé was about to start talking, I tilted her head and as I was going to kiss her neck, I was met with a slap on the face and saw she was backing away saying "stop!" But I knew what had to be done so I grabbed her tightly and as I was gonna grab my knife, Jisoo had walked in and noticed me and Jisoo then quickly took Rosé away from me said "Lisa were you about to you know..kill her?!" But I didn't respond instead and I just let her take my prey but I thought as walked back to my room "I'll get her back someday..."

No PT.2

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