01. the fourth of july

Start from the beginning

Seconds later, it's Junia's turn to grimace. While she doesn't mind covering for him, she simply dislikes the smell of smoke. It reminds her of times passed, times she would rather forget. But she decides today is already gloomy as it is. To her it is at the very least.

"I know," she agrees. She eyes him and the cigarette he's visibly trying to hide from everyone else. It's reassuring to know being subtle is just not one of their strengths and less of a personal flaw.

"I mean, seriously," Cas continues, "With how these people act and dress, you'd think we're hosting a banquet." And he hates those just as much. When he has children of his own, he'll never make them go through that kind of torture.

"At least you weren't asked to sing again this year." Junia shoots her brother an angelic smile, knowing very well how much he hates being reminded of this. Ever since the word has spread that the male Beaumont heir has a decent singing voice, people have been asking for a sample.

"But I hope you'll give us that pleasure one year. There's nothing I'd like to hear more than your version of 'Gem of Panem'."

Cas takes a long drag from his cigarette and narrows his eyes at his twin sister. He knows many people find her, well, 'cute' is probably the best word, but he knows something deeper lies underneath those good manners and angelic smiles. He spent his entire childhood with her after all.

"I'd make sure to drag it out," he replies, "So I'll never be asked again. Maybe I'll even throw in a few voice cracks here and there."

A laugh escapes Junia's lips and Cas exhales the smoke, making sure she won't get caught up in it as much as he can. She's about to reply when another voice cuts in.

"It'd be a shame if you ruined your voice by smoking cigarettes, Cas. And here I thought your parents taught you better."

Both Junia and Cas turn around immediately and while the latter is desperately trying to find a good spot to stub out his cigarette, his sister finds herself more at ease. The latest arrival is Sejanus who seems to be dreading the walk inside just as much as her. Much like everyone else, he's all dressed up.

Surprisingly enough, he's on time. Usually he tends to avoid the reaping ceremonies but she can't really blame him. If anything, it must be a hundred times more uncomfortable for him than for anyone else present.

Junia still remembers the first time they met. It has to be about ten years ago when the boy from District 2 first came to the Capitol. Back then, her classmates were not at all friendly to him and honestly, she admires him for putting up with their behavior and being able to withstand it for so long. She's aware it's not by choice but had she been in his shoes, she honestly doesn't know how she would have been able to endure it.

If anything, every single time he's able to speak up about the injustice of the Games despite knowing none of their classmates care, her respect for him grows tenfold. Perhaps one day she can be that brave, too.

She's glad she approached him back then. Along with her brother - and Coriolanus Snow, of course - she's the only one to have really given him a chance. He's a good friend and truly one of the most down-to-earth people the Capitol has to offer.

"Don't give him any ideas now," Junia replies, her tone a bit lighter now. She figures there's no need to drag his mood down any further since he's already visibly trying not to show his discomfort. Still, he offers her a weak smile that she gladly returns. "He might actually ruin his voice just so he doesn't need to sing in public."

Which, to her, is a shame. Castiel does have a lovely voice but she understands his hesitation. She can't say she'd want to give the Academy a performance either. For her it's mainly the anxiety though. It sounds like a nightmare, being put in the spotlight like that.

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